
Abortion rights

Abortion is a right, not a failure, not a tragedy

Let us not respond to the neocon attack on abortion with moral or moralising arguments. It is a right, and there is no need to justify it. Just expand it and defend it. By Vanesa Jiménez/ctxt Abortion is a woman’s…

From CodePink: Condemning the Supreme Court’s Outrageous Decision

CODEPINK denounces the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and revoke abortion rights for people all over the United States. We also denounce the politicians who failed to protect us from a decision that will have devastating consequences.…

The Dis-United States

A map of the U.S. states that might serve as safe havens for abortion rights . . . . . . probably surprises nobody, and bears a strong resemblance to a map of the U.S. states that have banned the…

Women vow to continue campaign for safe abortion in Argentina…

…in spite of negative vote from the Senate, with a little help from the Pope. Disappointing news for activists demanding safe and free termination of pregnancy (as opposed to back street, often lethal, abortions in particular for the less well…