
50 Years

In the Aftermath of 9/11 1973 After the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende was displaced by violence on September 11, 1973, and replaced by the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, the junta began to imprison, torture and murder the people whom they suspected of…

Sadness, fear, impotence, indignation and frustration

The commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the coup d’état has made me relive that date and what came after. Emotions came to the surface again: sadness, fear, impotence, indignation and frustration. It is difficult to share emotions with others,…

Sharp declares Allende an “illustrious citizen of Valparaíso”.

We publish here the words of the Mayor of Valparaíso, Jorge Sharp, at the ceremony held on 11 September to posthumously declare President Allende an illustrious citizen of the city: “This September 11, 2023, 50 years after the coup d’état,…

50 years after the Chilean assassination. Testimony

We lived in Mac Iver Street, along which, at great speed and with equal noise, tanks, tanks, trucks with army soldiers and carabineros of the ” creeping general ” Mendoza were running. Named after President Salvador Allende for joining in…

Fifty years since 9/11

… the one in Chile, the US-orchestrated disaster that opened some Western eyes to US foreign policy. What we should have understood back then – but most of us didn’t – was that many countries, including my own, have both…

A few days ago the book “Engaños Mutuos: El Golpe Gringo” (Mutual Deception: The Gringo Coup), written by Cristián Opaso.

We share an extract from Cristián Opaso’s book which reproduces a conversation with René Schneider, son of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the same name, who was assassinated in October 1970 in an attempt – organised and financed by…

Allende, fifty years after

Fifty years have passed and President Allende’s ideas are still very much alive in Chile, as they are in Latin America and a large part of the so-called Third World. Years ago, in Guadalajara, we had the good fortune to…

Massive march and repression

Another September 11 in Chile, but not just any other day. It is 50 years since the coup d’état and there is an important generational change on the streets, many thousands of young people who feel the need to express…

Chile: 50 years of neoliberalism (III)

In turn, the prominent intellectual of the “socialist renovation”, Eugenio Tironi, has argued (as a virtual epigone of Adam Smith!) that “the society of individuals, where people understand that the collective interest is nothing more than the result of the…

On Day of the Disappeared Detainees, 50 years after the coup, Boric directs National Search Plan for victims of enforced disappearances

The aim is to trace the route of the disappearance of the victims, collaborate with judicial investigations and help to shape memory and guarantee non-repetition, without prejudice to the establishment of criminal responsibilities. President Boric signed the decree making the…

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