
EcoWaste Coalition Marks 5th Year of BPA Ban in Baby Feeding Bottles

Pushes for a Wider Ban on BPA in Food Contact Materials 10 August 2024, Quezon City.  To mark the fifth anniversary of a progressive policy banning bisphenol A (BPA), a known endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC), in baby feeding bottles and sippy…

People in LA Are Feeding Each Other the Food That Would Be Wasted

Americans waste 30 to 40 percent of all food. These organizers connect the excess food in their neighborhoods with hungry people—rather than the dump. By April M. Short In any given U.S. city, on any given night, chances are that…

Joint Press Release againts stigmatization campaign to the Colombian Feedration of Educators of Colombia -FECODE-

Colombian history has been characterised by the existence of conflictive, difficult and dangerous conditions for social movements, trade unions, peasants, indigenous people and Afro-descendants, which extend to the possibility of consolidating critical thinking in general. Opposition political parties have been…

ETFO to donate $100,000 to Feed Ontario food banks to help mitigate hunger during COVID-19 crisis

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has made a donation of $75,000 to Feed Ontario and a matching donation of another $25,000 for ETFO locals who are donating to community food banks in their areas. “We are living in…

Feeding Militarism: The US Imperial Consensus

By Dr Binoy Kampmark The US military industrial complex reigns like a ravenous ruler in search of new funding prospects. It has done well this year, with the Trump administration pushing the sale that the imperium needs more ruddy cash…

Yes We Can – Feed 9 Billion With Organic Agriculture

By Gunnar Rundgren It is possible to feed more than 9 billion people with organic production methods with a small increase in the required crop acreage and with decreased greenhouse gas emission. But this assumes considerable reduction in food wastage…

One Third of Food Lost, Wasted – Enough to Feed All Hungry People

By Baher Kamal Believe it or not, the way to eradicate hunger from the face of the Earth is as feasible as it is handy. In fact, the current loss and waste of one-third of all food produced for human…

Florida: 7 from Food Not Bombs Arrested Feeding People in City Park

Food Not Bombs is an all-volunteer global movement that shares free vegan and vegetarian meals as a protest to  war and poverty. Each chapter collects surplus food that would otherwise go to waste from grocery stores, bakeries and markets, as well…

African Farmers Can Feed the World, If Only…

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* ROME, 8 August 2016 (IPS) – Can African farmers feed the world?. Apparently the answer is “yes.” Bold as it may sound, this statement is based on specific facts: Africa is home to 60-65…

WWF-HK bottom feeding on a consumer society ridden with guilt

NGOs such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are cashing in on poverty. They extract bad news from the never ending flow of it beamed from all media and offer that with little imagination added to so many who feel…