
Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research

TFF is an independent think tank, a global network that aims to bring about peace by peaceful means. It inspires a passion for peace from the grassroots to the corridors of power. TFF is an all-volunteer global network. It promotes conflict-mitigation and reconciliation in general, as well as in a more targeted way in a selected number of conflict regions - through meticulous on-the-ground research, active listening, education and advocacy. The Foundation is committed to doing diagnosis and prognosis as well as proposing solutions. It does so in a clear, pro-peace manner.

Invece di bombardare l’ISIS

  Questo articolo in due parti offre una prospettiva di pace sull’attuale guerra all’ISIS in Iraq e Siria. Dapprima alcuni princìpi per stimolare un altro discorso, un altro modo non militarista di pensare, e poi alcune proposte concrete, in totale…