Il Comitato per Leonard Peltier, nell’avvicinarsi della data del 1 luglio quando la United States Parole Commission dovrà pronunciarsi sulla possibilità di scarcerazione sulla parola per il pellerossa detenuto da quasi 50 anni  invita a inviare mail per sollecitare questa scarcerazione alla mail della Commissione mettendo come subject “Parole for Mr. Leonard Peltier” e seguendo come schema la bozza di lettera proposta qui sotto da Peppe Sini:

Dear ladies and gentlemen of the United States Parole Commission,

In connection with your examination of Mr. Peltier’s situation we have learned that you have received a letter from Mr. Wray, director of the FBI, intended to induce you to deny the grant of “parole.”

A detailed examination of that letter, conducted by the “Centro di ricerca per la pace, i diritti umani e la difesa della biosfera” (Research Center for Peace, Human Rights and Biosphere Defense) in Viterbo, Italy, shows that Mr. Wray makes untrue claims and omits many facts favorable to Mr. Peltier.

Mr. Peltier, with all evidence, is an old and ill man who spent 48 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, and during the long period of his imprisonment he promoted educational and welfare initiatives and supported important nonviolent initiatives in defense of human rights and the living world.

Therefore, please do not allow yourself to be clouded by Mr. Wray’s untrue assertions and make your decision in good conscience, in accordance with your functions and duties and the relevant regulations and criteria, with full respect for truth, legality, and humanity.

Please accept my best regards.