
Peter Tatchell

Peter Tatchell is an Australian-born British human rights activist, who gained international celebrity for his attempted citizen's arrest of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe in 1999 and 2001, on charges of torture and other human rights abuses. In the 1990s, he became a prominent gay equality and LGBT campaigner through the direct action group OutRage!, which he co-founded. For more information about the Peter Tatchell Foundation’s human rights work, to receive email bulletins or to make a donation:

Tentative pour mettre fin à l’interdiction du mariage homosexuel et pour en acquérir les pleins droits

OutRage, organisation LGBT, prévoit de porter devant la cour européenne des droits de l’homme, l’interdiction du mariage civil homosexuel et de l’union civile hétérosexuelle en vigueur au Royaume Unis. L’avocat Robert Wintemute, professeur de droit relatif aux droits de l’homme au King’s College de Londres, a accepté de se charger de l’affaire.