
Timmon Wallis

Timmon Wallis is the Executive Director of NuclearBan.US. He holds a PhD in Peace Studies from Bradford University. He has served as executive director of Nonviolent Peaceforce, and he has directed peace-building projects in Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Georgia, Myanmar, Chechnya, Croatia, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and South Sudan. He has also served as editor of Peace News, as director of the National Peace Council (UK), as international secretary of Peace Brigades International, as training manager for International Alert, and as programme manager for Quakers in Britain. He was the founder and director of Peaceworkers UK.

Prohibir todo lo relacionado con las armas nucleares

El Tratado de Prohibición de las Armas Nucleares (TPAN) ilegaliza el uso de armas nucleares. Sin embargo, eso no es lo que hace que este tratado sea tan importante. Efectivamente, muchos argumentan que cualquier uso concebible del armamento nuclear inevitablemente…