
Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research

TFF is an independent think tank, a global network that aims to bring about peace by peaceful means. It inspires a passion for peace from the grassroots to the corridors of power. TFF is an all-volunteer global network. It promotes conflict-mitigation and reconciliation in general, as well as in a more targeted way in a selected number of conflict regions - through meticulous on-the-ground research, active listening, education and advocacy. The Foundation is committed to doing diagnosis and prognosis as well as proposing solutions. It does so in a clear, pro-peace manner.

Statt ISIS zu bombardieren

  Dieser zweiteilige Artikel bietet eine Pro-Frieden Perspektive für den derzeitigen Krieg gegen ISIS in Irak und Syrien an. Zuerst gibt er einige Prinzipien vor, die einen anderen Diskurs stimulieren sollen, einen anderen Weg nachzudenken, welcher nicht militaristisch ist –…