
Yakov M. Rabkin

Yakov M. Rabkin is Professor Emeritus of History at the Université of Montréal. His publications include over 300 articles and a few books: Science between Superpowers, A Threat from Within: a Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism, What is Modern Israel?, Demodernization: A Future in the Past and Judaïsme, islam et modernité, Israël et la Palestine: Rejets de l’occupation sioniste au nom de judaïsme. He did consulting work for, inter alia, OECD, NATO, UNESCO and the World Bank. E-mail: Website:

Europe: Irrelevance Breeds Defiance

A few weeks ago, I paraphrased Marx’s words from nearly two centuries ago: “A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of irrelevance”. Recent events suggest that the spectre is rapidly becoming a reality. While the European Union and Britain…

Canada Faces Fundamental Choices

Radical pronouncements from the new American president have galvanised Canadian society and government alike. They have united Canadians and greatly improved the chances of the ruling Liberal party to win the forthcoming elections. President Trump has made consistent threats to…

Peter Beinart. “Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza”. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2025. 175 pages. ISBN 9780593803899

The author is a renowned journalist, political scientist, and professor of journalism at New York University. He headed The New Republic magazine and is the author of four books. Named among the hundred “global thinkers” by Foreign Affairs, he is…

Europe: A spectre of irrelevance

Turmoil in international politics in mid-February has definitely eclipsed Saint Valentine’s Day. While this was not unexpected, the new U.S. president spoke for 90 minutes with his Russian counterpart and warmly praised him afterward. The fact that this conversation happened…

Is Freedom the Supreme Value?

Exodus 13 :17 – 17:16. Beshalah. This Torah portion concludes the epic of liberation from slavery. The triumphant splitting of the sea is followed by an explosion of joy reflected in the Song at the Sea (shirat ha-yam). However, Rabbinic Judaism…

Canada’s Policy in the Ukraine: Do as I Say, Not as I Do

By Nigel Martin and Yakov M. Rabkin Once, at the Foreign Press Club in Tokyo, during a discussion on Canada’s foreign policy, a Montreal journalist began his talk with a succinct statement: “There are three countries that are important for…

In Praise of Imperfection

This title borrowed from the memoirs of scientist and Nobel laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini should help us learn from the weekly reading Vayigash what makes a good leader. In the context of the 2024 presidential election in the United States, there…

What Hannukah teaches about commitment and openness

Hanukkah is, perhaps, the easiest Jewish holiday to celebrate. There are no restrictions on what one may or may not do—no fasting and, in fact, no prohibitions except one: the lights of Hanukkah must not be used for any practical…

War on Gaza Crystalizes Israel’s Image

Modern Israel attracts much attention from analysts and the public but our ability to understand it is hindered by ideology, prejudice, and myth. Many tread carefully when discussing Israel lest they be accused of antisemitism. In an earlier article, I…

Elul: Self-Examination or Self-Righteousness?

“This past year has proven how fragile and precious life can be.” Rabbi Moshe Taragin, educator and author, begins his recent article with these words. It is written during the Hebrew month of Elul, which, this year, began in September.…

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