

Arce rejects narrative of ‘self-coup’ in Bolivia

Bolivian President Luis Arce today strongly rejected the narrative of a “self-coup” being promoted by opposition sectors following Wednesday’s military takeover of Plaza Murillo and forced entry into the old government palace. Speaking at a press conference, Arce insisted that…

UN General Assembly approves China-sponsored resolution on International Day for Dialogue among Civilisations

The 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly today, Friday, unanimously adopted a resolution proposed by China to establish the International Day of Dialogue among Civilisations. The resolution declares that all civilisational achievements are “the collective heritage of humanity”.…

Cuban University Students Support Palestine

Several hundred Cuban students took part in a rally in support of Palestine on the steps of the University of Havana on Friday. The event, which was also attended by workers and students from other levels of education, heard voices…

Colombian government and National Liberation Army hold peace talks in Caracas

The Colombian government’s delegation for political dialogue with the National Liberation Army (ELN) said on Sunday that peace talks in their country began yesterday, Saturday, in Venezuela and will continue today. “Yesterday, the two peace delegations began talks in Caracas.…

Russia ready for dialogue with Ukraine, Kremlin says

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reiterated his readiness for dialogue with Ukraine and that an aborted 2022 peace deal could serve as a basis for resuming negotiations, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday. In a meeting with Belarusian President…

Brazilian researchers develop a tool to predict climate for the next decades.

(Image by Rafael Edwards)Brazilian researchers are completing the development of a climate prediction tool that could revolutionize the world by showing climate trends for the next few decades. The initiative called the Tupã project aims to develop a technological tool…

Brazilian government authorizes green modernization of state postal company

The Brazilian government has authorized state-owned Correios, Latin America’s largest postal company, to raise 3.8 billion reais (about 760 million dollars) to modernize its technological infrastructure and implement the ecological transition of its 23,000-vehicle fleet, the government portal Agencia Gov.…

African Union calls for cessation of hostilities in Sudan during Ramadan

The Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, has called for a cessation of hostilities in Sudan during the holy month of Ramadan. The AU said in a statement on Friday that its chairperson “calls on the…

Brazil to propose global alliance against hunger and poverty to G20

Brazil will today propose to the G20 a global alliance against hunger and poverty, coinciding with the South American country’s rotating presidency of the group this year. The initiative was proposed by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva when…

Reforming and strengthening the UN, Brazil’s main goal during its G20 presidency

Reforming and strengthening the United Nations (UN) will be Brazil’s main objective during the first major event it is organizing as president of the G20, said Mauricio Carvalho Lyrio, secretary for economic and financial affairs at the Ministry of Foreign…

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