
World without Wars and Violence

World without Wars and Violence has been a non-profit organisation for more than 20 years and receives no funding from any government. It has "Special Consultative Status" with the UN Economic and Social Council.

We continue to believe in Peace

On February 25th 2022, as World without Wars and Violence, we issued a press release that began “Haven’t the 150 million people killed in the two world wars been enough?” We urged, on the one hand, the governments of the…

Statement by the Association World without Wars and Violence Mali (WwW-Mali) on the terrorist attacks in the localities of Diallassagou, Dianweli, and Deguessagou in the circle of Bankass

The Association World without Wars and Violence Mali (WwW-Mali) has learned with dismay of the attack perpetrated by terrorists against the peaceful populations of the villages of Diallassagou, Diaweli, and Deguessagou in the Bankass circle, resulting in the death of…

Call for cities of departure-arrival in the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Context: From Vienna, we have just come from the first Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. There, we have heard many times, from the representatives of the 65 attending countries and from many…

Haven’t there been enough wars in Europe?

Isn’t it enough that 150 million people died in the two world wars? Are we the people again the fuel of their geostrategic interests? These days we are witnessing a grotesque spectacle between the US with NATO, and Russia, taking…

Public statement on the nuclear assassination of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

It was a warm northern morning on 6 August 1945 in the city of Hiroshima, and despite the war, the atmosphere was somewhat normal, far from the scenes of war, with children going to school and the elderly going to…

Statement on the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and the 75th anniversary of Resolution 1 of the UN Security Council

We are facing “the beginning of the elimination of nuclear weapons.” On January 22, the Treaty of the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) will enter into force. It will specifically prohibit States Parties from developing, testing, producing, manufacturing, acquiring, possessing,…

March 8: The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence ends its journey in Madrid

After 159 days travelling the planet with activities in 51 countries and 122 cities, overcoming multiple difficulties and unforeseen events, the World March team concluded its trip in Madrid on March 8, a date chosen as a tribute and a…

Logbook of the Mediterranean for Peace Boat of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

19-26 November by Antonio Gancedo Between 19 and 26 November we  closed the last stage of the journey. We arrived at Livorno and Bamboo heading to their base on the island of Elba. November 19, 385 miles to reach the…

The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence. From Marrakesh to Tenerife

From Antonio Gancedo’s blog Digest composed by Pressenza London The World March arrives in Marrakech October 15, 2019 At 7: 30 of that day 10 of October, the WM delegation left Larache for Marrakech, arriving directly at the Headquarters of the Law…

The 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence enters Africa

By Antonio Gancedo After several members of the Base Team of the March in Tarifa came together, some from Seville and others from the Port of Santamaría, together they headed for Tangier in Morocco It is in Tarifa where several…

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