
World Beyond War

World Beyond War is a global nonviolent movement to fully end the institution of war and establish a just and sustainable peace. We seek to achieve these objectives by establishing partnerships with individuals and organizations in a global campaign of education, lobbying, and nonviolent direct action.

How Morocco Assaults U.S. Citizens and Just How Much a U.S. Senator Does Not Care

Last year, following an invitation from some folks who lived there, I was in Western Sahara in northwestern Africa. By Tim Pluta, World BEYOND War, Some friends of mine from the U.S. took a trip to visit me and the…

Petition Delivered to U.S. Congress: We Don’t Want U.S. Troops in Perú

World BEYOND War; CODEPINK; Semillas de Libertad; Centro de Investigación, Drogas y Derechos Humanos; Coordinadora Internacional de Solidaridad con la lucha de los pueblos del Perú; along with other organizations, have delivered a petition signed by nearly 2,000 people and…

Let’s Stand with Peace, and Shame on Peace Deniers

Speeches of Dr. Yurii Sheliazhenko at the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine A speech on the plenary “Civil Society Movement and Peace Voices against the War from Russia and Ukraine” Dear friends, greetings from Kyiv. And what a honor…

Protest Disrupts Opening of North America’s Largest Weapons Fair

Over a hundred people have disrupted the opening of CANSEC, North America’s largest military weapons convention in Ottawa, where 10,000 attendees were expected to gather. Activists carrying 50 foot banners saying “Stop Profiting from War,” “Arms Dealers Not Welcome” and…

To End All Wars, Close All Bases

A Gazan Ph.D. candidate studying in India, Mohammad Abunahel steadily refines and updates a map on the World BEYOND War website, dedicating a portion of every day to continue researching the extent and impact of USA foreign bases.  What is Mohammad…

Urgent Letter on Ukraine to World Presidents

By the Undersigned Organizations, April 27, 2023 To the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin To the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky To the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres To the President of the OSCE 2023, Bujar…

An Invitation to Visit Hiroshima and Stand Up for Peace during the G7 Summit

As many peace advocates have probably already heard, this year’s G7 Summit will be held in Japan between the 19th and the 21st of May, in the City of Hiroshima, where many tens of thousands of people, mostly civilians, were killed by…

We send volunteers to Ukraine

World BEYOND War’s Zaporizhzhya Protection Project will send a team of four volunteers to Ukraine on April 7, invited by people in close proximity to the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant on the front lines of the war. These four are…

Goodbye, Doctrine of Discovery

We should all applaud the Vatican, after almost six centuries, repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery. Exactly two centuries ago, the Doctrine of Discovery was put into U.S. law in the same year in which the Monroe Doctrine was created. The Doctrine of…

Celebrating Stories of Nonviolence: World BEYOND War’s 2023 Virtual Film Festival

Join World BEYOND War for our 3rd annual virtual film festival! This year’s “Celebrating Stories of Nonviolence” virtual film festival from March 11-25, 2023 explores the power of nonviolent action. A unique mix of films explores this theme, from Gandhi’s Salt…

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