
Waging Nonviolence is a blog site which focuses on the use of nonviolent methods—from strikes and mass protests to art and reflection—by people around the world every day in their struggles for justice, often under the most difficult of circumstances. Waging Nonviolence is a source for news, analysis, and original reporting about the practice of nonviolence, as well as for discussion of the theory behind it.

Worker Cooperatives Offer Real Alternatives to Trump’s Retrograde Economic Vision

By Sarah Aziza Announcing his presidency in 2016, Donald Trump promised the nation that he’d become “the greatest job president God ever created.” His plan to accomplish this rested on a retrograde economic vision that would “make America great again,”…

Youth mobilization challenges election fraud in Honduras

By Jeff Abbott December 22, 2017 The anger and frustration in the streets of Honduras following the controversial November 26 presidential election is palpable. Everyone seems to have an opinion about the electoral process, which was marked by accusations of fraud…

Lessons from the front lines of anti-colonial pipeline resistance

By James Rowe and Mike Simpson The Standing Rock standoff over the Dakota Access Pipeline was a reminder that colonization, and resistance to it, both exist in the present tense. Fossil fuel pipelines that despoil indigenous lands and waters have…

Broad coalition escalates campaign against London arms fair

By ANDREW METHEVEN In London, thousands of protesters have been taking direct action to shut down one of the world’s biggest arms fairs. The Defence and Security Equipment International, or DSEI, opened on Sept. 12, but the exhibition center where it…

Mass mobilization stopped nuclear war before and it can again

By Duncan Meisel, September 5, 2017. for Waging Nonviolence The Trump administration is reviving the threat of nuclear war in a way that no other U.S. presidency has done since the Cold War. While the confrontation with North Korea’s expanding…

Why Nazis are so afraid of these clowns

By Sarah Freeman-Woolpert August 25, 2017 Trolls chanted in the streets the day of a planned neo-Nazi rally in the small ski town of Whitefish, Montana earlier this year. But they were not the trolls that residents had been expecting…

Coalition paves way for Palestinian homecoming after 20-year displacement

By Jim Haber A new project in the rural hills of the West Bank, called Sumud: Freedom Camp, is the latest sign of a resurgence of strategic, nonviolent organizing in Palestine that is creating strong bonds between Palestinians and Jewish…

Nationwide protests oppose ‘anti-conspiracy’ bill, as Japan moves to remilitarize

By Lisa Torio June 8, 2017 for Waging Nonviolence Since Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s “anti-conspiracy” bill entered the upper house of parliament in early April, thousands of people across the country have taken to the streets in protest. Demonstrations…

What will it take to ban the bomb?

By Frida Berrigan When I was a young teenager, I would venture down to the basement where my father had his desk. He’d be plugging away at letter writing, or working on a talk or article. I’d wait quietly by…

Martin Luther King’s lessons on negotiation from the successful Birmingham campaign

By Brandon Jacobsen May 8, 2017 The anti-Trump resistance movement has been effective in its nascent stage, utilizing public protests to signal opposition to the president’s plans. In taking to the streets, airports and congressional town hall meetings, the resistance…

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