
Vasyl Muravytskij

Vasyl Muravitsky is a Ukrainian opposition journalist, renowned for representing the voice of Ukrainians disillusioned with the current regime. As an outspoken critic of President Zelensky’s government, Muravitsky highlights the ongoing war’s toll and the Western powers’ role in perpetuating the conflict. He has received the ‘Journalist of the Year’ award. On August 1, 2017, Muravitsky was arrested by SBU agents in the Zhytomyr region and charged with high treason. Despite support from several international human rights and journalism organizations, he spent 330 days in a Ukrainian prison. Recognized as a prisoner of conscience by the Solidarity Network (Switzerland) and Amnesty International, his release was also demanded by the Committee to Protect Journalists (USA) and Reporters Without Borders (France). With the facilitation of the OSCE mission, Muravitsky sought political asylum in Finland due to persecution by the Ukrainian authorities.

In the light of the alternative pro-peace conference in Slovakia, Ukraine strengthens the tensions by cutting off Druzhba pipeline

Ukraine continues to destroy Europe’s economy Slovakia, following Hungary, has stopped receiving Lukoil’s pipeline oil due to tougher Ukrainian sanctions. This was announced on Thursday, 18 July by the operator of the Slovak section of the Druzhba oil pipeline, Transpetrol,…

A Ukrainian journalist critical of the Zelensky regime comments on the latest actions of the illegitimate Ukrainian president.

Zelensky rejects any peaceful solution to the conflict Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán unexpectedly visited Kiev and suggested to Zelensky that he take the first step – a nationwide ceasefire – and start peace talks with Russia. By Vasyl Muravitsky Meanwhile,…