
Valentin Mufila

Originario del Congo, musicista, cantante e direttore artistico. Ha iniziato la sua carriera musicale nel 2004 e nel 2015 è uscito il suo primo album,”Telema" (in piedi), dedicato ai bambini sfruttati nelle miniere di coltan e realizzato con la sua band Mapendo Africa Sound. Nel 2014 ha tenuto corsi di balli e fiabe africane nelle scuole italiane. Ha creato insieme a ragazzi rifugiati il musical "Siamo tutti sulla stessa barca". Nel 2018 è stato tra i finalisti della prima edizione del Festival Doremifasud di Milano e il 2 giugno si è esibito insieme a molti artisti internazionali alla Porta di Brandeburgo a Berlino, durante una marcia per la pace. Nel 2023 è stato corista nel World Wide tour di Zucchero e ha realizzato l'album Il Faut Vivre nel progetto SanzaMamu. Appassionato conoscitore della storia africana cancellata dal colonialismo, si dedica a ricostruirla per comprendere meglio il passato e il futuro del suo continente. Facebook: YouTube: Email:

Africa, a history to be rediscovered. 24 – Hairstyles and tattoos were ID cards.

I was lucky enough to live for a few years with my grandmother Miandabu Wa Kabwela, who had a vertical line from her forehead to her chin, with two horizontal dots under her left eye. How I regret that I…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 20 – What if Ubuntu saved humanity?

According to ancient Kamite (African) philosophies, man must by his actions maintain the balance of the cosmos in all senses. This balance is observed in nature, in the sky, but especially in the body in its astral, mental and physical…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 17- The ancient African dances

I often dance without instruments or music. This may sound crazy, but by the law of correspondence, if I dance with my mind, I will also dance with my body. In this article, we will discuss some traditional African dances.…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 10 – The Ubuntu philosophy

Based on compassion, respect for others and the belief in a common bond joining all of humanity, Ubuntu is a philosophy and a way of life in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its values – in different languages and dialects – have connected…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 9 – From the Kingdom of Aksum to the Empire of Ethiopia

The Kingdom of Aksum (also known as Axum) was formed in the first century BC in the northern region of Ethiopia. Although Its origins remain unclear we know that it was the first Christian kingdom in Africa and one of…

Africa, a history to rediscover – 8. Yaa Asantewa and the war of the Golden Stool

Yaa Asantewa was born in 1840 in Besease, a city in what is now Ghana. She was the sister of Yaya Kwasi, who granted her the title of queen mother of Ejisuhene, a part of the Ashanti empire; given that…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 7 – Kimpa Vita, the African Joan of Arc

Born between 1684 and 1686, Kimpa Vita was the fruit of a miraculous union. After the struggle of Queen Nzingha Mbande against colonialism and slavery, in 1666 another king named M’vita Kanga tried to free his people from the Portuguese. However, the…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 6 – The Realm of the Congo, Queen Nzingha and the struggle against colonialism and slavery

Africa is a land of internal migration, as it has been the case for every continent on earth. The Bakongo people arrived in the region of the river Congo as part of the first Bantù migration, bringing with them the…

Africa, a history to rediscover. 5 – The Ghanaian Empire

The Ghanaian Empire was after the Kingdom of Kush the largest empire of sub-Saharan Africa and one of the largest that Africa has ever known. At the time of its greatest expansion (X-XI centuries) it included current-day Sudan, Niger, Senegal, Mali and…

Africa, a History to Rediscover. 4- The Manden Constitution, Human Rights in the 13th Century

The world’s oldest constitution was written in Africa by King Sundiata Keita, who lived from 1190 to 1255. His father, Narhe Magan, accepted marriage to a hunchbacked woman named Sologon Konde to fulfill a prophesy that foresaw the birth of a great man from…

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