
UN News Centre

News from the UN News Service

Insecticide-treated nets protect livestock and boost milk yields in UN pilot projects

Insecticide-treated mosquito and fly nets encircling livestock pens in small farms in western Kenya are proving to be an effective means of killing disease-carrying pests and boosting milk yields, the United Nations today reported, as well as contributing to fewer…

UN human rights chief urges US to close Guantánamo detention centre

The United Nations human rights chief today urged all branches of the United States Government to work together to close the Guantánamo detention centre, stressing that the indefinite incarceration of detainees is a clear breach of international law. “I am…

1,000 days and counting: UN calls for accelerated action on the Millennium Development Goals

The United Nations today called for accelerated action in the next 1,000 days from governments, international organizations and civil society groups to reach the eight anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by their deadline at the end…

Hungary must retract law that makes homelessness a crime – UN experts

Two United Nations independent experts today urged the Hungarian Government to retract a recently passed amendment that criminalizes homelessness, stressing this will result in discrimination against those without shelter. “Through this amendment, the Hungarian Parliament institutionalizes the criminalization of homelessness and enshrines…

UN General Assembly approves global arms trade treaty

The United Nations General Assembly has approved a global arms trade treaty that failed to achieve unanimous support last week but garnered the support of a majority of Member States when put to a vote today. The resolution containing the…

Korean peninsula crisis has ‘gone too far’, warns UN chief

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today stressed the current crisis on the Korean peninsula “has already gone too far,” following an announcement by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) to restart its Yongbyon nuclear reactor. “I am deeply troubled. As Secretary-General,…

Falklands/Malvinas dispute tops talks between Ban Ki-moon and Latin American officials

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Foreign Ministers of Argentina, Cuba, Peru and Uruguay discussed the issue of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) during their meeting today at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom have…

Honouring over 15 million victims of slave trade, UN calls for end to remnants of slavery

The United Nations today honoured the memory of an estimated 15 million innocent victims who suffered over four centuries as a result of the transatlantic slave trade, while highlighting the plight of millions more who still endure the brutality of…

Post-2015 development agenda must address youth issues – new UN envoy

The process of establishing a post-2015 development agenda must include youth input and participation to reflect the issues that concern them, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Envoy on Youth stressed today in his first press conference since he assumed office. “We are…

Congolese warlord Bosco Ntaganda now in custody of International Criminal Court

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has welcomed the news of the transfer of Congolese warlord Bosco Ntaganda to The Hague, where he faces charges for a range of alleged war crimes, including rape, murder and the recruitment…

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