
Tony Robinson

Humanist Movement Activist, ex-Director of the Middle East Treaty Organization and coordinating committee member of Abolition 2000 - Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons, author of the book "Coffee with Silo and the quest for meaning in life" and producer of the film "The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons".

“The time for change is now” – Ban Ki Moon 2 days before the start of the NPT conference

2 days before the NPT conference begins in New York, UN General Secretary Ban Ki Moon addresses the anti-nuclear movement in a conference, “For a Nuclear Free, Peaceful, Just and Sustainable World”. He talks of his shared view of a world free of Nuclear weapons and says, “The time for change is now”. A delegation of World without Wars travels to New York in support.

Bush to The Hague?

Professor Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois, College of Law has filed a complaint with the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court in The Hague against U.S. citizens George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice and others for their criminal policy and practice of “extraordinary rendition” perpetrated upon about 100 human beings.

Suu Kyi in final appeal against her house arrest

Aung San Suu Kyi, the pro-democracy leader and Nobel Peace Laureate who won the 1990 general election in Burma and who has been under house arrest for 14 of the last 20 years, has her appeal against her house arrest heard by the Supreme Court in Myanmar. “From a purely legal point of view we should win,” said a member of her legal team.

Man in coma after police react to remove protesters from Gangjeong village, South Korea, site of a proposed naval base.

Around 5am on January 18th 500 police were mobilized with three cranes to suppress protests against work on the new naval base which will be the home base for Aegis destroyers of the U.S. and South Korea naval forces. Protesters have been calling for the base to be shelved, claiming that nearby coral reefs will be destroyed in the process.

Doomsday clock moves 1 minute away from midnight

Today the Doomsday clock was moved back by 1 minute to 11:54pm today in a press conference of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. In a move to align the environmental and anti-nuclear movements, speakers pointed out the need to tackle climate change as well as implement strategies for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

Martin Sheen marches in support of Peace and Nonviolence on the day designated “Los Angeles day of nonviolence”

The World March for Peace and Nonviolence arrived on the US west coast today, with events in Los Angeles, Sacramento, Red Bluff and San Francisco. In LA a March of over 500 people took to the streets in support of the global initiative passing through 100 countries to send a strong message to President Obama condemning his decision to increase US troop presence in Afghanistan.

The World March calls on Obama to live up to his Nobel Peace Prize and withdraw US troops from occupied territories

As the World March for Peace and Nonviolence is due to arrive in New York on Monday November 30th, it has issued a statement regarding President Obama’s speech on Tuesday at the US Military Academy at West Point, New York which is widely expected to be an announcement of an increase in troop numbers in Afghanistan of anything up to 40,000.

Mensur Peljto, boxing champion, national hero and Ambassador of Peace and Nonviolence

Former boxing World Champion, Mensur Peljto is accompanying the World March for Peace and Nonviolence on its Balkan route between Istanbul and Geneva. As the only Bosnian member of the team, and given that most peace and nonviolence activists are unfamiliar with boxing champions, he was an unknown quantity but very quickly he won the hearts of everyone in the bus.

Stjepan Mesić, President of Croatia, receives World Marchers in Zagreb on their Balkans tour.

Today a delegation of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence Balkan team had a meeting with Stjepan Mesić, President of Croatia. During the meeting he was presented with the documents of the World March and asked to read and endorse the Nobel Laureates Charter for a World without Violence. “There’s no one more in favour of peace than I am”.

Presidency Chairman Željko Komšić: “Bosnia-Herzegovina couldn’t miss out on this occasion for peace and nonviolence”

As the World March for Peace and Nonviolence reaches Bosnia and Herzegovina on day 8 of its Balkans tour the March was welcomed by Presidency Chairman Željko Komšić and by the city Mayor, Alija Behmen. Accompanying the March at the start of its procession through the 16th century streets around Baščaršija square, Sarajevo, Komšić wished the March all the best.

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