
Silvia Swinden

Silvia Swinden - Author of “From Monkey Sapiens to Homo Intentional: The Phenomenology of the Nonviolent Revolution” – Adonis & Abbey, London 2006. Pressenza London Editor

The City versus the tented city of Occupy London – trial date set for 19 December

“While the City focuses on little piece of land, Occupy is concerned with creating a more just society”. We publish here a Press Release from Occupy London. Ronan McNern, supporter of Occupy London commented: “This is a positive result for Occupy London. Today the Corporation was trying to push for an unreasonable timeframe for court proceedings.”

Occupy Harvard. Students Protest Class by Economics Professor by Staging Walkout

The Occupy movement continues to expand its influence and develop awareness in different fronts. Harvard Economics students decide to raise the issue of what kind of models are taught and what has been the influence of such models in the creation of the present international crisis. Professor teaches “Neo-Kensyan”(!?) doctrine but students describe it as neo-liberal

Arundhati Roy speaks in New York in support of the Occupy movement

Impassioned critic of neo-imperialism, military occupations, and violent models of economic ‘development’, Arundhati Roy speaks at the People’s University in Washington Square, New York during the Student Week of Action in support of #Occupy. As this young movement continues to inspire the inspiring more voices converge from all corners of the world demanding change

The Empire Strikes Back. Moves to evict #Occupations begin in several countries

New York, London, Zurich… Not a glamorous multinational but a seemingly coordinated action to evict protesters from campsites. “Health and Safety” reasons. Too many “vulnerable” people. Concerns from local businesses. Public Highway legislation… Why is it not spelt out? Occupations are drawing undue attention to the corrupt and dehumanising practices of the Financial Sector.

How to discourage UK students from protesting against trebling of tuition fees

Police send warning letters to students arrested (but not necessarily convicted) during previous demonstrations, announce publicly “pre-approved” use of baton rounds and rubber bullets, warn teachers not to allow schoolchildren to leave the classroom to attend the demo and turn up in huge numbers to the November 9th students demonstration in Central London.

Nonviolent protesters arrested in Jeju Island (South Korea) for opposing Naval Base

We reproduce here some background information about the campaign to prevent a Naval Base (considered to be part of the US “Star Wars” antibalistic misile system) to be constructed in Jeju Island. In the last few hours a group of the most central activists have been arrested. Some are facing very significant jail terms as they are already on probation.

The G20, the Eurozone and the Robin Hood Tax

We reproduce here a report from the [Robin Hood Tax]( campaign website in relation to the meeting of the G20. Who supports it, who will try to block it and how it could help the Eurozone emerge from its current crisis. As even some bankers are now talking about being responsible, the momentum for this tax keeps growing.

11/11/11. 11 Seconds to (begin to) create a Nonviolent World

Evolution is through the path called ‘Imagination’. Not many centuries ago the end to slavery would have appeared as a utopia to a large number of people, until the moment when someone dared to imagine it. As Albert Einstein said: “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” World without Wars and without Violence makes a call to imagine a different world

Archbishop of Canterbury backs FTT/Tobin/Robin Hood-Tax as St Paul’s and the City of London put Occupy eviction on hold

Dr Rowan Williams said the levy would be one way of advancing the “moral agenda” of the protesters outside St Paul’s. The Cathedral has cancelled attempts to evict the campsite. The City of London Corporation has put on hold proceedings and expressed an intention to open negotiations. Will the G20 listen to the voices of common sense?

Directors Earnings up by 49%. Still wondering what the Occupy movement is all about?

Yet, a different kind of protest. ‘Compassion is Revolutionary’. Flash mob Meditation and Multifaith Service at St Paul’s stairs. Active Nonviolence, humour, global democratic links and leaderless consensus seeking Assemblies. Three priests resign from high posts at St Paul’s over divided views. The City of London Corporation begins eviction moves, it may take months.

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