
Silvia Swinden

Silvia Swinden - Author of “From Monkey Sapiens to Homo Intentional: The Phenomenology of the Nonviolent Revolution” – Adonis & Abbey, London 2006. Pressenza London Editor

Occupy London in support of court case against undercover police sexual liaisons with activists

‘Police spies court case suggests sexual relations with activists were routine. Lawsuit for undercover police deception indicates several officers struck up intimate relations with those they spied on’: The Guardian Undercover police use of sexual relationships with UK female activists…

US supreme court: genes cannot be patented

June 13th 2013 should go into history as one of those rare days when common sense and the interests of the people rather than those of corporations actually prevailed. The US supreme court ruled that human genes are natural and…

What’s the world coming to? Brazilians demand cancellation of the Word Cup

In England a well known saying states that ‘football is not a life and death issue, it’s much more important than that’. But it is Brazil where football has taken a status akin to a religion. So, for Brazilians to…

New WHO report on gender violence : Thoughts on improving prevention

”WHO report highlights violence against women as a ‘global health problem of epidemic proportions’ New clinical and policy guidelines launched to guide health sector response See the full Report here on 20 June 2013 | Geneva – Physical or…

The G8 Summit, lemmings and ostriches

Neither ostriches bury their heads in the sand nor lemmings commit mass suicide, these are popular myths now disproven. But humans do both and nothing like the G8 Summit to exemplify such behaviours. As usual, the G8 will gather shortly…

The economic Para-State in its yearly show of strength. Bilderberg comes to Watford, UK

It may sound like a joke as Watford is not a very glamorous place. But the meeting is taking place in a expensive countryside manor house/hotel, with all the luxury its rich and powerful members are accustomed to. They do…

Kerching! UK and France overturn the EU Syria’s arms embargo

It is not the first time that ‘humanitarian’ concerns are raised to make way for escalation of conflict. This week the UK and France have managed to twist their 25 European Union (EU) partner’s arms (UK threatening to use its…

Hans Blix tells UK it does not need Trident. But war is already a little nuclear

At the Hay literary festival Hans Blix, nuclear weapons inspector whose advice was spectacularly disregarded over Iraq’s WMD, has told the UK that renewal of its Trident nuclear capability with a cost of £100 billion would not serve any purpose,…

Oil companies suspected of fixing prices but still asking for state help. The System is showing its cracks.

The European commission is investigating BP and Shell for alleged oil price manipulation in spite of a British regulator giving the petrol market a clean bill of health only four months ago. According to The Guardian ‘BP, Shell and the…

UK attempting to block Europe’s Robin Hood Tax

The Robin Hood Tax, aka Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) or Tobin Tax was first proposed by John Maynard Keynes among others around 1936. Its purpose was to develop fairer taxation and curb speculation (today particularly relevant to rapid short-term currency…

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