
Silvia Swinden

Silvia Swinden - Author of “From Monkey Sapiens to Homo Intentional: The Phenomenology of the Nonviolent Revolution” – Adonis & Abbey, London 2006. Pressenza London Editor

Big media v social media in the global, nonviolent and humanist revolution

Pressenza panel at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2014: From Information to Participation In 1999, the film Matrix presented a false cyber-world, in which those included take it for “reality”. The image of a computer generated space taking over…

The under-reported ray of hope in the Palestine/Israel violent saga

The News could not be more discouraging: “Israel has carried out deadly strikes on the Gaza Strip amidst continued violence following the killings of a Palestinian teenager and three teenage Israeli settlers. At least nine Hamas members were killed Sunday…

Chronicle of a mess foretold: TTIP and TPP seen from Silo’s 1991 letter

The TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) and TTIP (The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, aka US-EU “Free” Trade Agreement) continue hurtling towards their coveted objective: to create the largest “free” trade zone ever seen in the world, in reality the largest…

Virtual Media blackout about the G77 (in fact 133)+China summit

The Group of 77 at the United Nations is a loose coalition of developing nations, designed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations. There were 77 founding members of…

With “friends” like these who needs enemies

Most “friendly fire” incidents do not get reported. Sometimes they come to light, a few here and there but the full extent of the damage caused during war by inaccurate identification or calculation, or care, is generally underplayed, as it…

Computer passes the Turing Test

Alan Turing, 1912 –1954, was a British mathematician, logician cryptanalyst, compute scientist and philosopher. He was highly influential in the development of computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of “algorithm” and “computation” with the Turing machine, which can be…

A Russian chicken and a NATO egg. Or, is it the other way round?

Democracy Now! reports that “President Obama has met with Ukrainian president-elect Petro Poroshenko as part of a continued swing through Europe. Obama sat down with Poroshenko in Poland after calling on Congress to support a $1 billion plan to ramp…

I wasn’t invited to Bilderberg 2014

The Press is suffering from conspiracy theory fatigue. Sixty years on, the economic para-state continues to meet, now at the Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen, for its annual jamboree, gathering bankers, industrial and business moguls, their press lapdogs and the politicians…

“Advergames”: new tricks to sell junk food to children

Channel 4 News, UK, reports on the new trend to circumvent legislation brought in to limit the typo of advertising that can be directed to children. “Companies including McDonald’s and Coca-Cola should be stopped from designing apps and online games…

Inclusive Capitalism is an oxymoron

This is how Clive Menzies, political economist with a background in business and investment management, founder of the Critical Thinking research project at the Free University and member of the Occupy London Economics Working Group defines the Conference on Inclusive…

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