

Conscientes de nuestro rol de apoyo y acompañamiento operamos como una agencia de noticias y elaboramos notas informativas, informes especiales, entrevistas y producciones de audio y vídeo, relacionadas al acontecer indígena y ambiental nacional y mundial.

Pandora’s paradises: capitalism, corruption, violence are published

A book on the revelations known as the Pandora Papers has been made available to the general public by the Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debts (CADTM). The 182-page publication edited by Alberto Acosta, Napoleon Santos and Natalia Sierra…

IACHR Court to review quilombolas’ ancestral land claim

The case concerns 152 communities affected by the failure to issue land titles, the expropriation of land and the unconsulted installation of an aerospace base. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) will review the case of the Quilombola communities…

Siberia: Gold mining is destroying the lands of the indigenous Shor people

In addition to being affected by open-pit coal mining, the Shors are impacted by gold mining companies that expropriate their land, pollute the environment and kill their flora and fauna. To make matters worse, the companies do not make financial…

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