

With its first channel launched in December 2005, the RT network now consists of three global news channels broadcasting in English, Spanish and Arabic, RT America broadcasting from a Washington, DC studio, RT UK airing from London, and a documentary channel RTDoc – in English and Russian. Today RT has a global reach of over 700 million people in 100+ countries. Articles and photographs by RT on Pressenza do not fall under the Creative Commons license are are not reproducible in any way. RT news covers the major issues of our time for viewers wishing to question more and delivers stories often missed by the mainstream media to create news with an edge. RT provides an alternative perspective on major global events, and acquaints an international audience with the Russian viewpoint.

Greece to hold national referendum on debt deal – PM

The Greek PM has announced a national referendum on July 5 on the conditions of the debt deal with international creditors. It’s up to the Greek people, Tsipras said, to make a fateful decision on the country’s sovereignty, independence and…

Peace between Israel, Palestine could bring $173bn in economic benefits – study

Peace between Israel and Palestine could lead to huge financial benefits. A new study says Israel would gain $123 billion over a decade, while Palestine would gain $50 billion. Violence would lead to losses of $250 billion and $46 billion,…

‘Huge paradigm shift’: Biggest cancer breakthrough in 40 years sees tumors disappear

Terminally ill cancer patients have seen miracle reversals, with some tumors completely disappearing, thanks to new drugs, which follow trials with “spectacular” results. Doctors now promise to save tens of thousands of lives. The test results, announced on Sunday at…

Nebraska abolishes death penalty, overrides governor’s veto

Lawmakers in Nebraska officially abolished the death penalty, overriding the governor’s veto and successfully countering his intense lobbying efforts on the issue. It is the first conservative state to end capital punishment since North Carolina in 1973. Governor Pete Ricketts…

Forest fires heading for Chernobyl nuclear plant – Ukraine Interior Ministry

The Ukrainian National Guard has been put on high alert due to worsening forest fires around the crippled Chernobyl nuclear power plant, according to Ukraine Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. “The forest fire situation around the Chernobyl power plant has worsened,”…

Airstrikes ‘not the answer’: Iran proposes peace plan for Yemen

Iran has proposed a peaceful solution to the crisis in Yemen, calling for a ceasefire on the ground and the end of airstrikes by Saudi-led coalition against the Houthi rebels – Tehran’s allies. The plan is expected to be submitted…

‘Historic step towards nuclear-free Japan’: Maverick judge forbids restart of 2 nuclear reactors

A local judge has placed an injunction on the re-opening of two nuclear reactors at Japan’s Takahama plant, even though it had passed the country’s new post-Fukushima safety checks. “The new regulations are not reasonable, therefore there is no need…

Cars with Palestinian plates allowed to enter Israel for first time in 15 years

For the first time in almost a generation a handful of vehicles with Palestinian plates have been allowed to enter Jerusalem. The exception so far has been made for Palestinian doctors from West Bank working in Israeli hospitals. During the…

Remove US military bases from Latin America – UNASUR chief

Latin American countries should discuss removing all US military bases from their soil, a top official of integration organization UNASUR suggested. The issue may be discussed next month at the upcoming Summit of the Americas in Panama. The Summit of…

Iran: Sanctions must be dropped for nuclear deal

The extended talks on the Iranian nuclear issue may wrap up on Wednesday, Iran’s negotiators said. But Tehran insists the lifting of international sanctions was the first step in the deal currently being bargained in Switzerland. “We insist that the…

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