

With its first channel launched in December 2005, the RT network now consists of three global news channels broadcasting in English, Spanish and Arabic, RT America broadcasting from a Washington, DC studio, RT UK airing from London, and a documentary channel RTDoc – in English and Russian. Today RT has a global reach of over 700 million people in 100+ countries. Articles and photographs by RT on Pressenza do not fall under the Creative Commons license are are not reproducible in any way. RT news covers the major issues of our time for viewers wishing to question more and delivers stories often missed by the mainstream media to create news with an edge. RT provides an alternative perspective on major global events, and acquaints an international audience with the Russian viewpoint.

Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Tunisian national dialogue quartet

“After the Arab Spring in Tunisia in 2010-11, the Quartet paved the way for a peaceful dialogue between citizens,” said Kaci Kullmann Five, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The National Dialogue Quartet are four civil society organizations, the Tunisian…

Greek snap election: New Democracy concedes defeat to Tsipras’s leftist Syriza

The Greek left-wing party Syriza is expected to take 145 seats in the 300-member parliament, the Interior Ministry said after counting 54 percent of the vote cast in the snap election Sunday. The leader of New Democracy, Syriza’s main rival…

Varoufakis attacks Tsipras, advises anti-austerity UK Labour Party head Corbyn in RT interview

Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis unleashed a fresh attack on his former allies in the Syriza party, days before it faces a tough battle in an early national election. “I am not part of Syriza any more. I do…

Disillusioned Greeks go to polls, no end to austerity in sight

Greek snap parliamentary elections are in full swing. It’s a neck-and-neck race between the leading political forces – the leftist Syriza and conservative New Democracy parties. Neither promises an end to austerity. The elections were called by the former Greek…

‘Today everything changes’: Huge protest in Moldova demands new government, president, constitution

Protesters have set up tents outside the government building in the Moldovan capital of Chisinau, following a demonstration that attracted up to 100,000 people. The opposition say they will stay until the resignation of the government and a crippling $1…

No mind’s eye: UK scientists term inability to visualize memories ‘aphantasia’

Can’t imagine the faces of your loved ones? Or visualize your memories? If this applies to you, then you’re probably one of those people who have the rare condition scientists have recently termed “aphantasia.” Visualization results in the activity in…

Crackdown on culture of violence: Afghanistan bans guns – toy guns

The Afghan government has decided to launch a crackdown on the culture of violence in the country by banning guns. Not the real lethal firearms but toy guns that children play with. The move on Tuesday comes after more than…

Key points of historic nuclear deal reached by Iran and 6 world powers

Iran and six leading world powers signed a comprehensive plan for ending international sanctions against Iran in exchange for putting restrictions on its controversial nuclear program. RT takes a look at the final document. The deal signed in Vienna on…

‘No’ and ‘Yes’ bailout referendum rallies gather thousands in Athens

Two rival rallies took place in Athens on Friday. Police estimate that 25,000 came out to support the ‘No’ camp, which calls for the rejection of a new bailout deal with creditors in Sunday’s referendum, while 20,000 gathered to back…

New wildfire sends smoke billowing over Chernobyl exclusion zone

A wall of smoke was seen rising over the exclusion zone around the crippled Chernobyl nuclear power plant on Tuesday as Ukrainian emergency services scrambled helicopters to extinguish a wildfire. Some 130 hectares of grassland is ablaze, emergency service officials…

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