
Rosi Baró

Radicada en Venezuela, de formación Siloísta y Humanista, ha vivido y apoya el proceso de la Revolución Bolivariana desde su comienzo. Actualmente participa en el Consejo Local de Abastecimiento y Producción (CLAP) de su zona.

“Caracazo”: 31 years ago

On February 27, 1989, a social outbreak known as “Caracazo” occurred in Venezuela. I see news headlines that recall this date, and a march held to commemorate what happened on that day 31 years ago. Neither this episode of the…

Making up a migration crisis to create a “casus belli” against Venezuela?

After the economic measures announced by President Maduro, the coyotes return to the attack, increasing the volume of the Venezuelan emigration situation to levels of stridency, describing the phenomenon as “an unprecedented humanitarian crisis” and presenting it as irrefutable proof…