
Robert Hunziker

MA, economic history DePaul University, awarded membership in Pi Gamma Mu International Academic Honor Society in Social Sciences is a freelance writer and environmental journalist who has over 200 articles published, including several translated into foreign languages, appearing in over 50 journals, magazines, and sites worldwide. He has been interviewed on numerous FM radio programs, as well as television.

Arctic Sea Ice Loss – A World of Trouble

What if Arctic sea ice melts? All of it… during the summer! According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), over the past three decades, the oldest, thickest ice (13-20 feet thick) has declined by a stunning 95 percent…

Neanderthal Virus Exposure in the 21st Century

Across the entire breadth of the Northern Hemisphere Arctic permafrost is rapidly melting. Nobody knows what strange pathogen is going to pop out from within tons upon tons of permafrost muck. More significantly, imagine the public anxiety if scientists detect…

Too Much Heat, Past and Present

The ultimate consequences of global warming are difficult to truly understand by the public, policymakers, and by pretty much everybody. In their hearts, they do not want to believe it’ll cause an extinction event. That’s simply too hard to believe,…

The State of Capitalism’s Climate System

Three years ago, 15,000 scientists declared a climate emergency by signing onto a State of the Climate Report. That signing led to annual updates, for example, the most recent version: The 2023 State of the Climate Report: Entering Uncharted Territory,…

Antarctica Under Siege and XR Takes a Radical Turn

Antarctica has finally succumbed to rapid climate change. This past year (2023) brought changes to the icy continent that left climate scientists feeling a “punch in the gut.” (Source: Red Alert in Antarctica: The Year Rapid Dramatic Change Hit Climate…

COP28’s Unrealistic Tripling of Nuclear Power 

UN climate conferences since 1992 have failed to follow through with results, as CO2 emissions continue higher and higher with every passing year. In fact, post climate conference impact of adopted proposals has become something of an inside joke. The…

Global Warming Slices & Dices Greenland

Northern Greenland is under attack by global warming at the same time as delegates to COP28 heap praise on a purported landmark deal to transition out of fossil fuels but beware of the true meaning behind the language. Its disingenuousness…

Climate Trace Detects Underreported Soaring Emissions

COP28, the UN Conference of the Parties in oil-rich Dubai, currently underway, will not resolve the issue of oil and gas companies agreeing to slow down oil production. On the contrary, all signals point to an increase according to formal…

Hypocrisy Sours COP28

Hypocrisy ran rampant at COP28 even before the doors swung open to 70,000 delegates on Thursday, November 30th. This is the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties (“COP”) held at Expo City, Dubai. It’s the big…

High-ranking Climate Scientists Rebel against the IPPC

It’s 35 years since the formation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “to advance scientific knowledge about climate change caused by human activities.” Subsequently, COP21 at Paris ‘15 warned the world not to exceed 1.5°C, and worst case,…

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