
Riccardo Noury

Uzbekistan: domestic violence is now a criminal offense

It took a years-long campaign, waged in a highly repressive environment by women’s rights activists, but finally, on April 6 the Uzbek Senate unanimously approved the crime of domestic violence through an amendment to the criminal code. In addition to…

Malaysia, first vote to cancel mandatory death penalty

On 3 April, the Malaysian House of Representatives passed legislation to cancel the mandatory death sentence for 12 offences, including drug offences that account for most death sentences in the country. When the measure is also passed by the Senate,…

The European Council against the trade in instruments of torture

On March 31, the Committee of Ministers of the European Council adopted a formal recommendation by which the 47 member states will effectively fight the trade in torture equipment. The recommendation, long solicited by Amnesty International and Omega Research Foundation,…

The international criminal court opens the investigation into the “situation in Palestine”

On March 3, the prosecutor Fatou Bensouda formalized the opening of the investigation of the International Criminal Court on the “situation in Palestine”. The investigation will focus on crimes under international law committed since June 13 2014 in the occupied…

UN: increasing support for moratorium on executions

During the December 16th vote, a large majority of the General Assembly Member States voted for the eighth time in favour of a resolution against executions, so that another step has been taken towards the global abolition of the death…

Hong Kong: the High Court criticizes the police forces’ behaviour

Despite the rapidly worsening situation in terms of human rights, Hong Kong overtakes Italy in about one thing: police officers can be identified by appropriate alphanumeric codes. They tend to hide them, though. On November 19th, the High Court stated…

Qatar, two small steps forward in protecting the rights of migrant workers

On August 30, the Qatari authorities published two measures, announced in October 2019, intended – if fully implemented – to improve the protection of the rights and living conditions of migrant workers, massively present in the Gulf emirate. The first…

Belarus, Historic Moment: The Supreme Court Cancels a Death Sentence

On June 30th the Supreme court of Belarus has upheld Viktar Skrundzig’s appeal by cancelling his death sentence issued three months earlier by the Slukts City Court and by arranging a review of his case and a retrial. Skrundzig was…