
Redazione Italia

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Italy

The Beijing Declaration and Chinese Diplomacy in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In a significant diplomatic breakthrough, China has facilitated the “Beijing Declaration,” a key development in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This agreement, which brings together 14 Palestinian political factions, signifies a major step towards Palestinian unity and a revitalized push for…

India, Mexico, Japan, UK, Australia, France, Canada, USA: pro-Palestine protests continue around the world

In the last two weeks, more than 160 actions and 125 camps in solidarity with Palestine have been registered in at least 17 countries. The common demand of the students is to divest from companies that support Israel and the…

12 and 15 May live: let’s all tune in to the Joint Ceremonies of reconciliation of the Combatants for Peace

While the world is following with bated breath the difficult negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza and in dozens of universities protests spread over the illegality of the occupations that have never stopped in the West Bank, we receive and…

One thousand academics sign an open letter to the President of Columbia University in solidarity with student protest for Gaza

The open letter was started by a group of Indian academics, many of them active in prestigious universities around the world, including Suvrat Raju, a scientist in the field of quantum mechanics and black holes, and in just a few…

A global strike against war

We turn to those who have millions of contacts with people all around the world. Like a movement, a network, a hacker who cares about our survival and the defeat of those who are endangering it. Who was born during…

Ceasefire at the San Carlo Theater in Naples

“Cease fire”: the clear message carried by the banner displayed on stage at the San Carlo Theater in Naples, on the occasion of the last performance, Tuesday 27 February [2024], of Mozart’s Don Giovanni, directed by Mario Martone and conducted…

Sofia Orr: “This is why I refuse to enlist in the Israeli army”

My name is Sofia Orr, and I refuse to enlist in the Israeli army because there are no winners in war. Only losers. Everyone living here is losing. In Israel, on the seventh of October, all of us, especially the…

Sofia Orr Refuses to Enlist in the Israeli Army: “There are no Winners in War”

On Sunday, February 25th at 11am, Sofia Orr, an 18-year-old from Pardes Hanna, will arrive at the Tel Hashomer enlistment base and refuse to join the Israeli Army in protest of the war in Gaza and the ongoing occupation. She…

A conversation with the two female co-directors of Combatants for Peace

Palestine-Israel: from one story to more than one story, from us vs them to togetherness, from cycle of violence to nonviolence, towards a Collective Liberation   There is no way to peace Peace is the way   I interviewed Rana…

On Saturday, February 10, at 1pm solidarity demonstration with refuser Tal Mitnick outside military prison

Mesarvot Network and Yesh Gvul will hold a solidarity demonstration with Israeli conscientious objector Tal Mitnick, who has spent more than 40 days in military prison for refusing to enlist in the Israeli army and take part in the war…

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