
Redacción Mar del Plata

News published by the Pressenza bureau in Mar Del Plata, Argentina

Argentina. Call for a new murder of Mapuche community member

This Sunday 21st, two men “of large size”, entered the territory of the lof Quemquemtrew in Cuesta del Ternero, Rio Negro. When asked by the community to explain their presence in the area, they reacted violently by firing their firearms,…

Mapuche Tehuelche Parliament in Cuesta del Ternero. Communiqué

From 5 to 7 November, Mapuche Tehuelche communities met in El Bolsón, Río Negro, to discuss the various situations they are experiencing in their process of territorial recovery. Below is the communiqué they produced, including a statement of the conflicts…

Approved in Brazil, Argentinean GM wheat advances: warnings and rejections of an unprecedented experiment in the world

The Brazilian biosafety agency has approved the purchase of GM wheat produced in Argentina by the company Bioceres, the last step needed to authorise its commercialisation. The company had already reported that it had planted 55,000 hectares of this variety…

Renewable energies and “green hydrogen”: A new face of destruction?

The Argentine government announced an investment of 8.4 billion dollars by the Australian multinational Fortescue to produce “green hydrogen”. The World Rainforest Movement questions the industrial scale of the so-called “energy transition” and claims that mega-projects negatively impact local populations.…

Front-of-pack food labeling: the origin of a social movement with the name of a woman

The 26th of October will be remembered as the day when front-of-package food labelling finally became law to achieve something that seemed utopian: that people know what they are consuming, and decide about it. The most named and praised person…

Truth trial for the Napalpí Massacre, part of the indigenous genocide in Argentina

In 1924 hundreds of Qom and Moqoit Indians were murdered in Chaco. The massacre was silenced for decades, but it remained alive in the memory of the native peoples, who transformed it into a struggle and demand for justice. Federal…

12th Meeting of Relatives Survivors of Femicide: “We need facts”.

Once again the group that brings together mothers and fathers who lost their daughters as a result of male violence demanded an audience with the President and delivered in a letter concrete measures to demand justice and prevent femicides. There…


2 September marks one year since the double infanticide of the Argentinean girls Lilian Mariana and María Carmen Villalba, 11 years old, at the hands of the Joint Task Forces (FTC) of the Paraguayan State. This Monday, 6 September, there…

Invitation: Parliament of Planetary Citizenship

The discussion about the need to create a global governance of the common Earth starting from the peoples has been going on for a long time. Initiatives in this direction already exist and are very welcome. Saturday, 03/27/2021 02:00 PM…

Building a Planetary Citizen’s Parliament

Growing slowly, but steadily, the Multiconvergence of Global Networks continues to build bridges and promote common actions. Continuing our engagement at the World Social Forum in January, we are now planning a new meeting on March 27 to advance the…

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