
Redacción Mar del Plata

News published by the Pressenza bureau in Mar Del Plata, Argentina

Towards the end of human dignity

In response to the humanitarian appeal of the University of Birzeit in Palestine , the Edward Said Free Chair of Palestinian Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, pronounces: it is necessary to break the explanatory…

Free Assange: “The war against journalism” documentary screened in Mar del Plata

A documentary film series dedicated to the Australian journalist and founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, began in Mar del Plata this Friday at the cultural centre Con la Fuerza del Mar. By Jorge Nuñez Arzuaga With free admission, the film…

Results at the United Nations Science Summit: Argentina with 100% agrotoxins

The total (100%) of Argentinean participants in international research on pesticides “presented a range of 6 to 13 pesticides in urine, a range of 2 to 10 pesticides in blood and a range of 0 to 18 pesticides in faecal…

New march against trigger-happy behaviour

Document of the 8th National March against Gatillo Fácil Once again, we take to the streets to carry out this, National Day of Struggle, that makes visible and repudiates the repression that the State has historically exercised against our sons,…

Statement of the CPM against the criminalisation of the protest

Forty years after the end of the last civil-military dictatorship, and in the context of the reflections that we as Argentine society must make around this anniversary, we would like to point out our preoccupation and rejection of various initiatives…

The word of the women – we demand progress at the Dialogue Table

Puel Mapu 29/03/23 Pu zomo taiñ zungun Since the emergence of the Argentinean people, our Machi have been persecuted and imprisoned. Today the country is at the forefront of human rights, but their practice of dispossession and criminalisation has not…

Mapuche communities in permanent assembly

Since 1994, the Argentinean Constitution recognizes that the indigenous peoples that inhabit the country pre-exist the National State and therefore have the right to the possession and ownership of the lands they traditionally occupy. After almost 30 years, this right…

8 March: Freedom for the Mapuche women prisoners

There are many demands with which we come to this 8M. In this letter, we are writing to all the compañeras and compañeres who are organising actions in different territories of Abya Yala, to propose that the demand to the…

Brazil: Joenia Wapichana, first indigenous woman to chair Funai, takes office on Friday (3)

Joênia was the first indigenous woman in Brazil to practice law, and also the country’s first indigenous federal deputy. (Image by Agência Brasil) The National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (FUNAI) will be chaired by an indigenous person for the first…

Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu: statement by social scientists for the rewe

Since 4 October 2022, a rewe has been left alone. Those of us who work with the Mapuche people in the social sciences have often heard about pu rewe and pu machi. If there is an extensive academic literature that…

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