
Redacción Madrid

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Madrid, Spain

The Cáceres mine gets closer and closer

In Spain, the people of Cáceres oppose the implementation of a mining project that the government continues to promote in spite of everything. As the author of this article says, “the administration is agile with large companies and slow, very…

Red Artea – “Disobedience has its potential when you make it public”.

If it comes to choosing between legality and human rights, the Artea Network, dedicated to the reception of migrants and refugees, has no doubts. By El Salto diario In the early morning of December 27, 2016, two Basque activists were…

New appointment to take to the streets in Madrid against Ayuso’s health policy

Next Sunday, March 26, at 12:00 noon, unions, professional associations and neighborhood groups are calling for a large march from Plaza España to Atocha to continue showing their muscle in favor of public health care. By Redacción El Salto The…

How to avoid train accidents

The first steam locomotives travelled at a maximum speed of eight kilometres per hour; today’s locomotives exceed 300 kilometres per hour. By Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa Rail transport has improved a lot in less than two hundred years, but unfortunately, there is…

Spanish government maintains hypocritical stance on nuclear weapons, says Daniel Högsta

ICAN Executive Director Daniel Högsta, leaving the Spanish Congress of Deputies, said it is essential that parliamentarians press the Spanish government to abandon its hypocritical position and sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). He expressed optimism…

Universal Basic Income – a right, not charity

The Socialist Party of Catalonia has gone mad in its battle against basic income. No one would have thought that their bid against this proposal would be so obsessively opposed. Their belligerence against the pilot plan for basic income in…

If we pay attention to nonviolent struggles, they will multiply: the ball is in our court.

Are we incapable of imagining nonviolent alternatives? First, we invite you to watch the following video about monkeys, bananas and the ladder. It makes us think that many of the basic issues that we accept without any questioning or verifying,…

Hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets of Madrid in defence of public health care again

Hundreds of thousands of people are demanding a different health policy from the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso. The massive demonstration for public health is the second important warning that the citizens of Madrid have launched…

Abortion is a right, not a failure, not a tragedy

Let us not respond to the neocon attack on abortion with moral or moralising arguments. It is a right, and there is no need to justify it. Just expand it and defend it. By Vanesa Jiménez/ctxt Abortion is a woman’s…

Civil disobedience to nuclear weapons, a long road ahead

22 January marks the second anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), ratified by 59 countries, including Spain, which, as is well known, does not have nuclear weapons. By Ovidio Bustillo…

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