
Redacción Madrid

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Madrid, Spain

Global nuclear weapons spending rises to $82.9 billion by 2022

Total grows for the third year in a row as the nine nuclear weapons states continue to modernise and expand their arsenals. By Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament According to a new report by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons…

Pepe Mujica: “If the left is not capable of building unity, it will not be able to defend the interests of the neglected”.

José Mujica receives CTXT at his farm in the Cerro neighbourhood of Montevideo. Cordial and attentive, he talks for 50 minutes about politics with his usual lucidity. He admits that he may be wrong when he says that Europe has…


Six hundred million cubic metres of desalinated water per year were promised when it was decided to cancel the Ebro water transfer, but only five per cent of that amount has been provided. By Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa. Despite massive institutional support…

Global Action calls for halt to funding for East African oil pipeline

Activists from 7 countries are singling out Marsh McLennan for its role in the development of the East African oil pipeline. They allege that the insurance brokerage violates OECD CSR guidelines. Members of the #StopEACOP coalition held a coordinated day…

Half a hundred bookshops declare war on war

The campaign ‘More books: it’s war!’, supported by bookshops and publishers, will be demilitarising thought and defends the right “to criticism, dissidence and rigorous, truthful and independent information”. Fifty bookshops, publishers and book agents have launched the campaign More books:…

12 years of 15M

This 14 May will mark the 12th anniversary of the 15 May that gave rise to the Indignados movement. At 12 o’clock in the morning, a demonstration will begin in the Gran Vía metro station (Madrid), which will pass through…

“War is costing us the world”: last days of the campaign against military spending GDAMS 2023

The Global Days of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS 2023) are taking place this year under the slogan “War costs us the world” (see the Global Days of Action on Military Spending, May 9, 2023). The campaign will end on…

On the “Sumar” proposal of the so-called “universal inheritance”.

Elections are approaching. With regard to the elections that elect representatives to the courts of the Kingdom of Spain, there is a new electoral proposal which is “Sumar”. It is not here that we wish to analyse either this political…

International Conference on debt and vulture funds

From 21 to 23 April at the Ateneo La Maliciosa in Madrid The International Conference on debt and vulture funds will be held at the Ateneo La Maliciosa in Madrid from 21 to 23 April. During these three intense days,…

Afghan refugee women. Safura

When you think you’ve arrived you realise that there are many other borders here. Language. The aid. The system says all the time: no documents. Bureaucracy is racist By María González Reyes¹/ctxt I know who she is and I approach…

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