
Redacción Madrid

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Madrid, Spain

Humanists change the names of several streets in Malaga for a few hours

Humanist activists change the names of several streets in Malaga from those of military figures from the Spanish civil war. The names chosen for temporary “substitution” have been key non-violence figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi or the generic “Non-violence Avenue”. This action is part of the introductory discourse from the arrival of the World March in Malaga.

Rajagopal seeks support in Europe for the landless in India

Rajagopal, founder of Ekta Parishad, a movement that promotes non-violent struggle in favor of the landless in India, is currently touring Europe. In Madrid, he held a meeting with various organizations to share information and create a network of support for his initiatives, aimed at making legal changes to assist the poorest segments in Indian society.

The Base Team Spanish contingent depart for New Zealand

With a farewell at the World without Wars headquarters in Madrid, the Spanish members of the Base Team got ready to leave for New Zealand, where the World March for Peace and Nonviolence will start on the 2nd of October. In this gathering they talked about some of the particulars of this adventure for peace.

Irene Montemurro paints the nonviolent woman

An exhibition of pictures by the Argentine painter Irene Montemurro has opened in Madrid, in the Hispanic-Central American Centre. The painter supports the search for liberty in women through vitally nonviolent experience. The exhibition, which will continue on until 1st October, is dedicated to the World March for Peace.

“I learn from contact with the people, from listening to the people,” explained Evo at the University

At the Faculty of Political Science at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Complutense University of Madrid), Evo Morales spoke about his political project and explained before professors and students: “I learn from contact with the people, to better serve the people… Governing is simple: it’s a matter of taking initiatives, of listening to proposals.”

The Arab-Israeli West-Eastern Divan Orchestra Celebrates its Tenth Anniversary

Daniel Barenboim and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its foundation with a concert tour of Europe, during which it will visit some of Europe’s leading festivals and concert halls. This orchestra “represents an alternative model, based on the idea of equality, cooperation and justice for all, to the current situation in the Middle East”.

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