
Redacción Madrid

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Madrid, Spain

The II Forum for Peace in Malaga has ended

The II Mediterranean Forum for Peace and Nonviolence was held in Malaga on 22 and 23 June. This event was a unique opportunity for individuals, organisations and movements committed to building a more just and non-violent society. The Forum, an…

The remilitarization of Europe. Remembrance, resistance, disobedience

The growing current of remilitarization that Europe and the USA have embarked on, together with a cruel and generalized rearmament, demands an aggressive (and lucrative) policy of arms sales and the propagation of wars beyond the limits of Western comfort.…

“Neither Ayuso nor anyone else can decide when or how someone dies. To say so is obscene”.

Interview with Fernando Flores, editor of the report by the Citizens’ Commission for the Truth in Madrid’s Residences. By Gorka Castillo/ctxt Fernando Flores (Valencia, 1968) holds a diploma in Advanced Defense Studies from the Centro Superior de Estudios de la…

Armengol Engonga: “We have high hopes for the possibility of a democratic transition in Equatorial Guinea.

We spoke to Armengol Engonga Ondo, president of the Progressive Party of Equatorial Guinea (PP) since the resignation of its founder, Severo Moto, in 2020. The PP was born in 1983, “the first Equatoguinean party because at that time there…

Extreme police violence in the CIE: another reflection of institutionalized xenophobia

New testimonies from former prisoners and anti-racist activists once again denounce the daily beatings, humiliations, and degradations that take place in these places with total impunity. By Alejandra Mateo Fano/El Salto diario In mid-February, the brutal beatings suffered by more…

BBVA, Santander, Sabadell, and CaixaBank continue to finance the nuclear weapons industry

A new report shows that the number of banks financing the industry has fallen since a treaty banning it was passed, but the four Spanish banks are still on the list. By Yago Álvarez Barba/El Salto diario Since the Treaty…

Overcoming personal and social violence

After the two talks given by Philippe Moal, he will give three workshops that will take place on Saturdays 17 February, 9, and 30 March in Espacio Ronda (Madrid). On 6 and 8 February, Philippe Moal gave two talks on…

Europe’s agricultural sector rises up against the crisis and reaches Brussels

Emmanuel Macron’s government has been forced to announce new measures in an attempt to defuse protests in the agricultural sector. The pulse of the sector points to the free trade agreement with Mercosur. The agricultural sector is in turmoil in…

Activist on trial for defending abortion rights in Andorra acquitted after four years of trial

Vanessa Mendoza Cortés had been accused of defaming the authorities after presenting a report on women’s rights in her country at the UN. Abortion in Andorra is prohibited in all cases, an exceptional situation in the European Union. Stop Violenciès…

In praise of tolerance

Tolerance (from tolerate and this from the Latin tolerare). Moral quality that expresses an attentive and respectful attitude of a person, group, institution or society concerning the interests, beliefs, opinions, habits, and conduct of others. It manifests itself in the…

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