
Redacción España

May 7: Day of experience and inspiration with the slogan Nonviolence is the future!

With the slogan “Nonviolence is the future”, a day of “experience and inspiration” is being organised on May 7 in the Toledo Park of Study and Reflection. It will begin at 12 noon and end around 8 pm. It is…

1st TPNW Conference of States Parties: a new opportunity for Spain to show its commitment to nuclear disarmament

After several postponements, the first Conference of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) will take place in Vienna from 21 to 23 June 2022. The current situation caused by the war in Ukraine and…

Reporting despite exile: the struggle for freedom in Nicaraguan journalism

The repression exercised by the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship against the press has provoked a massive exodus of professionals who have reconfigured their newsrooms to continue reporting. By Sol Acuña via CTXT Every morning in this Spain of terraces in the sun,…

Not in my name’, rally for the self-determination of the Saharawi people and against the decision of Pedro Sánchez

Under the slogan “Not in my name”, this coming Saturday 26 March, at 12 noon, a rally will take place in Madrid outside the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in protest against the agreement between President Pedro Sánchez and the…

From a class at the University to the Congress. The history of the Rights of Nature in Mar Menor

We approached her by email with a question: How can the University contribute to the green movement beyond placing recycling bins in its facilities? And she answered us with a practical case: the ILP (Popular Legislative Initiative) that is now…

Fossil and nuclear fuels must be stopped in the face of barbaric warfare

The fight against the climate emergency is today more than ever a cry for peace. The invasion of Ukraine and the European Union’s sanctions show once again the enormous dependence of the economy on fossil fuels and how they have…

Anthropocene: will nuclear weapons be our legacy in this geological era?

Anthropocene is the name given to the current geological period, as in the past we spoke of Pleistocene or Holocene. This new era or period is determined by the changes produced by human activity, biological or geological changes on a…

Universal Basic Income, video with Juana Pérez

In the context of the first international virtual meeting of our agency Pressenza this year, Spanish journalist Juana Pérez commented on the issue that we have given editorial priority to in all nine languages we work with, Universal Basic Income.…

Spain must sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and exercise leadership for peace

On the first anniversary of its entry into force, more than thirty organisations, including Pressenza, are calling on the government to exercise leadership for peace through the Spanish state’s accession to the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons…

Almudena Grandes and the memory of the margins

Por Maite Goñi Indurain* On the occasion of the recent death of the writer Almudena Grandes, we have read numerous articles and obituaries paying tribute to “the narrator of the memory of the forgotten”, a clear reference to the series…

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