
Redacción Ecuador

News published by the Pressenza bureau in Quito, Ecuador

Campaña Octubre por la Paz y la No-Violencia Activa 2015

#OctubreNoViolento  es una iniciativa que se viene impulsando desde hace dos años, a partir del esfuerzo de varias organizaciones sociales, grupos de personas y voluntades individuales,  quienes se juntan con el único ánimo de promover  el valor y aporte que tiene la no violencia activa como…

Greek crisis: countries compete to remove any kind of obstacle to capital accumulation

Antonis Broumas, from Greece, is an investigative lawyer and activist who works mainly on building bridges between law, technology and society.  He participates in social organisations in Greece which promote autonomy and the commons. Broumas was in Quito between the…

Immigration: Europe has to change its geography and its vision

Giorgio Schultze, Humanist, activist for decades in the struggle for human rights, above all those of migrant communities, lives in Sicily and is a correspondent for Pressenza. Last Friday we interviewed him for the programme En La Oreja International on…

Iran’s nuclear deal and conflict in Yemen: the view of an Iranian political scientist

Regarding the agreement reached between the five nuclear powers plus Germany with the Iranian government so that sanctions may be lifted from the latter with a commitment to not continue enriching uranium or to advance in the construction of nuclear…

Telephone shutdown in R.D. Congo puts women in danger

Words and photos by LolaMora Productions Between the 20th of January and the 8th of February, Gislaine’s income dropped by 50 dollars a day – usually she takes between 70 and 90 dollars – from her business recharging mobile phones.…

Pressenza launches a weekly programme from Ecuador on Radio Pichincha Universal

Starting on Friday 6th February between 9am and 10am local time, Pressenza will be on air on Radio Pichincha Universal, 95.3, FM. The programme is the result of an alliance that started in October 2014 and that has quickly developed…

Disarming words: the dictionary of immigration

By Sara Bosco Migration is one of the biggest and most complex of today’s phenomena. Every day, all over the world, thousands of people try to cross the borders of their homelands in search of a better life in a…

Three books, three authors in Andina Simón Bolivar University, Ecuador

Photo report by Walker Vizcarra A moving experience took place in the presentation of books by three authors: Tony Robinson, Dario Ergas and Pía Figueroa.  The books were presented by three young readers and the presentations were accompanied by music and theatrical readings…

Justice for Amazon

Photos: Shim Hyun-chul Bernardin Reyes, an Ecuadorian victim who claims his vocal cords were damaged by the contaminated water, stands on solidified oil waste. Korea Times photo by Yoon Sung-won A Red Cross mark and dozens of handprints cover a…

Chevron in Ecuador: environmental and human impact in Ecuadorian Amazon

Yesterday, Tuesday September 17, in well #4 located in the community of La Primavera (Spring), just minutes from Shushufindi (Sucumbios province), President Correa launched the “CHEVRON’s dirty hand” campaign in order to report to the international community the human and…

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