
Redacción Chile

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Chile

Walls that Talk Loud and Clear: A new site of memory rises in Chile

By Maxine Lowy An abandoned house and the story contained within its few standing walls are the driving force that propels a group of young people to create a new site of memory in north Santiago, in an era when…

Premiere of the documentary “Absence of Water” has an impact on the desolate reality of Aculeo Lagoon, Chile

The documentary “Ausencia del Agua” is now available for free viewing on the Atacama Records website. This audiovisual creation exposes the abandonment of nature and the disaffection of Chilean society towards its natural resources. Through a landscape of desolation, music…

Centro Arte Alameda: The cultural space that became a care centre for the wounded during the Chilean Social Upheaval

When we think of the idea of a cultural centre, images come to mind of live music, plays, art exhibitions, performances and an audience eager for new experiences that help them appreciate the intensity and beauty of existence. When we…

“We have to go much further than what the agreement says”: Tomás Hirsch

The deputy and president of Acción Humanista declared that “nothing prevents the holding of town meetings, assemblies, debates, mechanisms to gather proposals and opinions” from the social world and the citizenry for the drafting of a new Constitution. He also…

Chile: Statement by the Coordinating Committee of Social Movements

Faced with the Constituent Agreement reported on December 12, as Coordinating Committee of Social Movements we declare: From the first moment we have pronounced ourselves in favour of the fact that the body that drafts a new Constitution must be…

Acción Humanista: Constituent Agreement must strengthen democracy

Public statement on the Constituent Agreement At a time when the bases of a new constituent process are being discussed, for humanists it is very important to reaffirm the democratic principle as the guiding principle to promote any agreement for…

Neurodiverse People, Do they have access to employment?

What do we mean by neurodiverse people? A concept that is increasingly heard and used. In general, it refers to people diagnosed with autism, Asperger’s, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and Tourette’s syndrome, among other conditions. By Andrea Zondek Darmstadter…

Digitalisation is a priority for the transformation of the Latin American and Caribbean development model

The Eighth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean opened today in Montevideo. The importance of digitization in designing and implementing people-centred public policies and as a path to sustainable development in Latin America and…

I like the students who in recent history have rebelled against an education policy based on violence.

On my screen I read a news item (1) from emol that says: “Study reveals that 36% of educational establishments perceive worse levels of violence than in 2019”. Marcelo Castillo Duvauchelle First of all, I am very preoccupied by the…

“To my octogenarian colleagues, if you feel the urge to write, do it… we have many adventures and experiences to share” Simón Maturana

We publish here the interview with Simón Maturana, Chilean storyteller who at 87 years old is soon to publish the novel, Promesa Bajo los Magnolios, and the book of short stories, Aventuras de Ayer, Para Nacer Hoy. Yesterday, To Be…

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