
Redacción Chile

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Chile

Position and proposal of New Humanism in the face of the current crisis of civilisation

We publish here the paper presented by Virtual Ediciones at the 1st International Social Sciences Fair, organised by the Municipality of Recoleta in Santiago de Chile, under the title “Position and proposal of New Humanism in the face of the…

Let the banks burn

The banking crisis is different this time. In fact, it is worse than in 2007-08. Back then, we could blame the sequential collapse of banks on wholesale fraud, widespread predatory lending, collusion between rating agencies and bankers suspected of selling…

The colours are in you – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

“No country can claim to be free of racism. It is a worldwide preoccupation and the fight to end racism requires a universal effort”. The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action From Convergence of Cultures-Chile, which is a universalist humanist…

“The social world can influence votes in Congress” – Tomás Hirsch

“The Humanist Action legislator pointed out that “there is a possibility of having an impact on parliamentary votes through the massification of participation and social expression”. He emphasised: “In the social movement there is a source of support and political…

Chile – Project for the protection of journalists and media workers moves forward

“It is essential that the State provides real and effective mechanisms to protect the physical and psychological integrity of journalists and communications workers,” said Congresswoman Nathalie Castillo, promoter of the initiative. Last Monday, the Culture, Arts and Communications Committee of…

The equality revolution

The process of women’s liberation, alternative sexualities, old masculinity (image of being a man) and its forms of expression. By Gladys Mendoza Jaque Always, on the way to achieving greater human freedom, it is necessary to overcome cultural, economic and…

“We have entered 2023 with a convergence of challenges never seen before in our lifetimes”, Antonio Guterres

Extreme poverty, the war in Ukraine, the earthquake in Turkey, and the climate crisis were the main topics at the UN General Assembly, where UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres took the floor to warn about the catastrophic situation, saying: “The prospects…

Oscar Pérez Cortez: “In Centro Arte Alameda they saved my life”.

On Friday 20 December 2019, Oscar Pérez Cortez left his home at 15:00 hrs on his way to the centre of Santiago, he was going to demonstrate against animal cruelty, one of the many slogans on which the Chilean Social…

I worked at Centro Arte Alameda during the Chilean social upheaval

For more than 70 days, every time I was about to leave my house on my way to work, my stomach started to hurt, and I felt a strong pressure in my chest that didn’t let me breathe. I was…

Islam, Catholicism and the separation of religion and state: an essential or difference? (Part 4)

In most Muslim-majority countries, there are severe restrictions on religious dissent. In such cases, the problem is associated with the alliance between religious and political authorities. I argue that the alliance between Islamic scholars (the ulema) and state authorities was…

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