
Redacción Chile

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Chile

A Humanist US Soldier

Bradley Manning, 22-year-old US soldier posted to Iraq in the military intelligence service, shall be tried – and, of course, sentenced- by a war council that the high command of his own Army will preside over. His crime is to have spread true but secret information on the US wars of occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The march for a world without wars has recently begun

Two days after some 15,000 people from around the world celebrated the conclusion of the first World March for Peace and Non Violence in the heart of the Andean mountain range, many of its organisers and participants came together to shape the future of the humanist organisation ‘World without War and without Violence.’

“The end is the beginning in the heights”. Peace will be taken to the highest summit in Latin America

“Representing all the Women, Boys, Girls, Elderly Women and Men of the world who are suffering daily violation of their rights, I shall present my message of faith, hope and peace for all human beings and I shall also be flying the World March flag on 01/01/2010 from the highest possible habitation in the world, Monte Aconcagua (6.962msnm.)”.

Young Offenders paint Mural for World March

In Calera de Tango, on 13 & 14 November, the contemporary art group GAC Grupo de Arte Contemporáneo, made up of youths from the young offenders detention centre Centro Semi Cerrado de Calera de Tango, members of the National Service for Minors, painted a mural alluding to the World March for Peace, under the supervision of their monitors; Patricio Celis and Gabriel González.

The Longest “Wall for Peace” in the World

Under a burning sun, 700 young graffiti artists and muralists devoted themselves to the visual representation of their ideas on peace, nuclear disarmament, and the rejection of violence. The activity, promoted by World Without Wars, took place over a period of three days, until all 1,800 meters of the wall, located in a town in the foothills of Santiago de Chile, were covered.

The World Peace Summit condemns the “colossal” military expenditure throughout the world

Pacifists Without Borders (PWB), organizer of the World Peace Summit, and principal international guest speaker and former Director-General of UNESCO Federico Mayor Zaragoza, speak out against the “colossal” annual military spending throughout the world, half of which (1.2 trillion dollars) is attributable to the United States alone.

Opening celebration for World March for Peace in Quinta Vergara

In a place known as Chile’s Garden City, the community of Viña del Mar, world famous for its Song Festival and named the 2007 City of Peace, will come together along with numerous regional organizations, institutions, and artists supporting the World March for Peace and Non-Violence to celebrate its kickoff in New Zealand.

President Rafael Correa of Ecuador Endorses the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Through a public declaration broadcast through TV to the Ecuadorian people, President Rafael Correa let his endorsement and support be known for this planetary mobilisation for Peace that will arrive in Ecuador on the 18th of December and whose international delegation will be received in Plaza Grande, “heart of Quito” and witness to the great milestones in Ecuadorian history.

Juanes explains decision to give concert in Havana

Renowned Columbian singer Juanes, winner of five Grammy awards, requested permission from the Cuban government to put on a concert for peace in September, along with other Latino artists such as Juan Luis Guerra, Silvio Rodríguez, and Spain’s Miguel Bosé. The idea has met with some resistance from vocal antihumanists based in Miami.

Armed recruitment of children forces native Indians to leave their lands

Children as young as 13 have been recruited, and boys as well as girls are at risk in the department of Vaupés, home to 27 different groups of indigenous people. Forced recruitment affects indigenous groups at risk of extinction. One of the most urgent cases is that of the Pizamira, whose members do not exceed 50 people.

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