
Redacción Chile

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Chile

Tomás Hirsch speech in “Peace Paths for the Israel/Palestine conflict”

Words of Tomas Hirsch at the Providencia Forum in Santiago de Chile, seeking peaceful ways to resolve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict “Good afternoon to everyone. To begin, I want to clarify where I am coming from: I am speaking from the…

Network against transnational companies’ dirty hand

Basis to support Ecuador in its fight against the transnational Chevron The U.S. multinational company Chevron has launched a campaign against Ecuador and those affected by the pollution caused by its operations in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Millions of dollars are…

Forty years after the coup d’état Chileans demand truth and justice

On the eve of September 11th, on the 40th anniversary of the coup, thousands of Chileans demonstrate peacefully in cities across the country demanding justice, punishment for the those responsible and clarification about political prisoners executed and missing. In Santiago…

The Instinct of Conservation of the Species

By Godi Gutierrez What does it mean, all these demonstrations, protests, and manifestations that is now happening around the world this past two years? People watching on the sidelines, or on their televisions at home are asking: what do these…

news in pictures: students and workers demonstrate in Chile

[divide] Along the biggest avenues of Santiago, Chile, a social rebellion rallies against the dominant two party system. The bitter cold of the Chilean capital, together with a tight land and air police presence, were no impediment for the massive…

The Chameleon’s Attack

Oleg Yasinsky presents his views on the current state of Venezuela and how facts and myths are contorted by the right wing and mass media. In recent days, the residents of Venezuela’s wealthiest neighborhoods received pamphlets containing the following message:…

Israelis against attacking Iran move from social networks to the streets.

The campaign against a war between Israel and Iran has moved from the social networks to the streets. About a thousand Israelis participated in a peaceful march. Tensions between Tehran and Tel Aviv have been increasing due to disagreements over Iran’s nuclear programme and Israeli society is divided about a possible war with Tehran.

Letter to Obama, by Pérez Esquivel

Dear Barack Obama,
I am writing to you fraternally, and to express concern and indignation at witnessing the destruction and death spread across various countries in the name of “freedom and democracy”, two bastardised and meaningless words that are used to justify the killing which is today celebrated like a sports event.

Iceland, a country that wants to punish the bankers responsible for the crisis

Since 2008 the vast majority of the Western population dream about saying “no” to the banks, but no one has dared to do so. No one except the Icelanders, who have carried out a peaceful revolution that has managed not only to overthrow a government and draft a new constitution, but also seeks to jail those responsible for the country’s economic debacle.

Letter to Silo – Boris Koval

Dear Mario, now we live in different spheres, but I feel that our spiritual and moral contact, our friendship and sympathy have not disappeared and cannot ever disappear. Only after the death of a man can we appreciate the real meaning of his life because in everyday life is almost impossible to appreciate the magnitude of the work of others.

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