
Redacción Chile

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Chile

Corporate power and human destiny

By Juan Gómez* We have witnessed over the past decades that humanity and its environment seem to be on the wrong track leading to their imminent destruction. The alarm signal was triggered by the depletion of some non-renewable natural resources,…

Green New Deals

By Howard Richards On February 7, 2019, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York introduced in the United States House of Representatives a RESOLUTION Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. It demanded benefits Americans…

Communication and Nonviolent Journalism Network

We publish here the notes taken by Alicia Muñoz during the deliberations that took place in the framework of the IV Latin American Humanist Forum, by the Communication and Nonviolent Journalism Network. They give an account of the concerns and…

IV Latin American Humanist Forum: “Building Convergence”.

The IV Latin American Humanist Forum, which took place during this weekend in the Chilean capital, was closed with a cultural event in the Library of Santiago. The central performance was headed by the humanist actress Paulina Hunt, who urged…

4 May 2019: 50 years of Siloism

We publish here the words pronounced by Antonio Carvallo (and consecutively translated into English by Tony Robinson) during the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Siloism in the most significant event that took place today, at the Park of Study…

Tomás Hirsch: “Silo made a deep, complex and structural proposal of personal and social transformation”.

In November 2018, De Frente spoke with the humanist deputy on various topics. In that interview he was able to expand on the figure of Silo and Siloism as philosophy and practice. –Tomas, who was Silo? How did you meet…

Jimmy Carter: US ‘Most Warlike Nation in History of the World’

The only US president to complete his term without war, military attack or occupation has called the United States “the most warlike nation in the history of the world.” During his regular Sunday school lesson at Maranatha Baptist Church in…

Humanity or the abyss

By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein Perhaps humanity has not lived through a moment as complicated as the present since the irruption of Adolf Hitler and Nazi fascism in 1933, which led to the worst war conflagration in history between 1939 and…

When You Get to the End of the Road it is Time to Think Outside the Box

By Howard Richards I admit that I enjoy mixing metaphors just to fool around and have fun. This particular mixing of metaphors is deadly serious. We really are at the end of the road. A small but growing percentage of…

Thomas Piketty vs. Yanis Varoufakis

By Howard Richards Certainly, we all should be grateful to Thomas Piketty and Yanis Varoufakis. Nobody has worked harder or more intelligently for the common good. But gratitude does not entail agreement. That a lot of hard work and brain…

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