
Redacción Chile

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Chile

COVID-19 crisis threatens democracy, leading world figures warn

More than 500 political, civil leaders, Nobel Laureates and pro-democracy institutions have signed an open letter to defend democracy, warning that the freedoms we cherish are under threat from governments that are using the crisis to tighten their grip on…

Note Six: The Just Distribution and Ethical Use of Property

By Howard Richards From the New York Times, June 2, 2020: ´The anger is different this time. After years of Americans being killed by the police — more than 1,000 per year, for as long as statistics exist — something…

Virtual Global Forum for Water, Earth, Climate, and Diversity

The Senator Andrea Blandini invites you to the “Global Forum on Water, Earth, Climate and Diversity” that will be held on July 5, World Environment day. The forum will take place via Zoom, from 11 am to 2 pm from…

Dignidad in La Pampa Daily Life in Northern Chile in Times of Pandemia

By Maxine Lowy* The aroma of firewood envelops La Pampa, as it has, on occasions, a thousand years. After ascending with harvests from the sea to barter with inland peoples, the Changos lit fires to smoke fish and dry sea…

Work. Democratize, Decommodify, Remediate

Working humans are so much more than “resources.” This is one of the central lessons of the current crisis. Caring for the sick; delivering food, medication, and other essentials; clearing away our waste; stocking the shelves and running the registers…

A Covid-19 Vaccine quickly and cheaply

By John Scales Avery The urgent need for a vaccine Public health experts say that if the COVID-19 epidemic is not successfully contained, it could become a global pandemic, perhaps spreading to 80% of the world’s population. With a 1%…

A Rationale for Unbounded Organization: A Path to Positive Peace

By Howard Richards This is a proposal for a pragmatic, functional and realistic framework for talking, thinking and building institutions.1 The fundamental fact of human history and of social science is the existence of living human individuals. This implies the…

A Facade Drops in Chile

by Maxine Lowy A tide continues to sweep a mass social movement across the face of Chile, exposing four decades of economic injustice and challenging a legacy inherited from dictatorship, with United States participation at key junctions. Behind the facade…

Three Cheers for the Cheerfully Deluded!

By Howard Richards A compassionate realist acknowledges the positive social functions of delusions, of which there are many in CWP [Community Work Programme] at Orange Farm [a suburb of Johannesburg]: Delusions about how many jobs there are (“Many people are…

Second Pressenza journalist assaulted for reporting in Chile

After a few weeks ago – when massive protests began in the streets of the country and the country was still under siege and curfew -our journalist Claudia Aranda was detained for a few hours by Carabineros and the specialized…

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