
Redacción Chile

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Chile

The original ceremonial to begin to govern

Early this morning the new President Gabriel Boric began the day together with his partner Irina Karamanos, the ministers, undersecretaries, and the ancestral authorities of our native people’s representative of the whole territory. The purpose is to generate intercultural work…

“We would not be here without the mobilisations”, first speech of President Boric

From the balcony of the Palacio de La Moneda and before a square completely overflowing with people, Gabriel Boric, the youngest President in the history of Chile, gave his first speech in which he called for unity and reunion, reaffirmed…

The Boric effect on Chilean youth

This article is part of issue 0 of the recently launched humanist magazine Ciclos. Many analyses have been made of last December’s presidential election in Chile, where Gabriel Boric won at the polls with historic popular support that surpasses even…

The magazine Ciclos, a space for humanist reflection, will be launched live at 21:00 on Tuesday 22 February at 9pm

Who are we? When certainties collapse, chasms and darkness open up, but so do hopes. Sharing fears and desires, a small collective of human beings who agree on the values of universalist humanism began to tune in. A handful of…

No need to destroy “the good” => for people “like us”: the yellows

This group nostalgic for the years of Concertación’s reign, says: “Call for reflection in the constitutional debate”, as if in Chile there has been no reflection, particularly from 18 October 2019 onwards … Of course, there has been reflection on…

Marilén Cabrera, humanist, nominated as Undersecretary of National Assets for Boric’s government

Twenty men and nineteen women make up the cabinet of Undersecretaries that will form part of Gabriel Boric’s government from 11 March. The team of Undersecretaries is made up of eleven independents, eight members of Revolución Democrática, six of the…

Maskirovka has them crazy

As the scenario of the umpteenth “imminent” Russian invasion of Ukraine crumbles, the BBC’s Moscow correspondent Steve Rosemberg complains that the Russians won’t open up their game. He says: “Have you ever tried to put together a jigsaw puzzle with…

Chile: Historical debt to teachers

Another big step in the struggle for the payment of the so-called “Historical Debt” was taken by the Metropolitan College of Teachers of Chile, led by its President Mario Aguilar, together with 15 members of the Chilean teachers’ union, by…

Chilean President-elect presents his ministerial team

Early this morning Gabriel Boric presented those who will make up his cabinet from 11 March. The team is made up of 14 women and 10 men. The new president, who is about to turn 36 and will be the…

We are not at war with anyone. Chile repudiates and renounces war

This popular initiative proposal has already been published and is ready to collect the 15,000 signatures needed to be part of the process of incorporating popular initiatives into the drafting of the new Chilean Constitution. The link to support the…

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