
Redacción Argentina

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Argentina.

How do you say “cool” in Chinese?

We take the future Asian superpower for granted, but who is their Robert Redford? By Rafael Poch for Ctxt. In the 20th century, in order to become a global superpower, the United States established itself in the first phase as…

Stop the persecution of Julian Assange and protect his right to asylum

In a public statement, the Communication Forum for the Integration of Our America (FCINA , Spanish initials) called for support for Julian Assange, demanding an end to the persecution of the founder of the non-profit media organization WikiLeaks. The initiative…

Final Declaration of the #CumbreDeLosPueblos [Summit of the Peoples] in Lima, Peru

Representatives of social and popular organizations of Peru, Latin America and the Caribbean, we have met in Lima / Peru from April 10 to 14, 2018 to discuss the political, social and economic reality of our America, to share our…

250 thousand people demand that Santiago Maldonado appears alive

Photos by Javier Martínez Argentina is shaken by the forced disappearance of Santiago Maldonado, which occurred on August 1st in the province of Chubut, in Argentine Patagonia, while participating in a protest of the Mapuche indigenous community Pu Lof in…

Five hundred days a prisoner

By Samantha San Romé “Either you love or hate Milagro,” said a local when I visited Jujuy.  “But don’t believe all the bad things they say,” he added.  He didn’t say much more.  He spoke little, but enough for me…

José Rivadeneyra “El #NiUnaMenos abrió una puerta para la superación de la violencia en Perú”

En Continentes y contenidos, el programa de Pressenza en se contó sobre las masivas marchas por el #NiUnaMenos que se realizaron en Perú este 13 de agosto y para profundizar todavía más el análisis, se comunicaron telefónicamente con José…

A new chapter in the persecution of popular leaders

Press Release by the Committee for Milagro Sala’s Freedom Yesterday, with the arrest warrant that the judge Martinez de Giorgi ordered for the President of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Hebe de Bonafini, we have witnessed in a new…

Launch event of the Continental Day for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism

July the 8th, 2016, 4pm (Brazil) – Auditorium 01 – Faculty Zumbi dos Palmares – Clube de Regatas Tietê – São Paulo – Brazil A decade after the defeat of the FTAA – Free Trade Area of the Americas – our…

32 years ago a man took a decision that saved the world and no one knows

By Alesia Miguens, for Informador público Sometimes in history it is more important what almost happened than what really took place. And perhaps the most astonishing thing about these incredible stories of heroes, so far removed from the glamour of comic…

Maier: “[Argentina’s] criminal judges being used to conduct partisan politics”

03/02/2015 – Redacción Argentina The renowned jurist Julio Maier spoke with Infojus News about the complaint filed by the deceased prosecutor Alberto Nisman and referred to a growing trend of judicial “denounciation-mania” as a tool of political action. By Franco…

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