
Redacción Argentina

News from the Pressenza Bureau in Argentina.

The invasion of Ukraine

From the point of view of European interests, nothing would be simpler than establishing neutrality statutes and renouncing the deployment of nuclear weapons. by Rafael Poch for That Russia is going to “invade Ukraine”, occupying the whole country, is…

External debts: tricky words and concepts

In the use of everyday language, the view on the issue of foreign debt has been manipulated. In this way, words and concepts have been and are used to induce and deceive, favouring and favouring a sweetened view, with psychological…

On the sidelines of COP-26, People’s Summit for Climate Justice takes place in Glasgow

From 7-10 November 2021, as world leaders gather to debate our future, the COP26 Coalition will host the People’s Summit for Climate Justice. Decisions made at COP26 will determine how governments respond (or not) to the climate crisis. But justice…

Argentina: Rights, foreign debt and a colonised judiciary

Law has served to create civilisations and also to colonise and subjugate peoples. By Miguel Julio Rodríguez Villafañe Likewise, we must bear in mind, as essential and fundamental, that the basic right of our people is nourished by human rights,…

Argentina: IMF and injustices with retirees and pensioners

In 2012, the IMF published the “Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR)”, and in chapter 4, it warned about the financial impact of longevity risk. The IMF stated in the document: “The financial implications of people living longer than expected (so-called…

Demands for freedom for political prisoners continue in Jujuy, Argentina

Milagro Sala was arrested on 16 January 2016 on the orders of Governor Gerardo Morales. On that day, a web of legal cases was unleashed to sustain her illegal imprisonment, for an indefinite period of time. The persecution was extended…

Two key witnesses for Milagro Sala’s conviction charged with false testimony

The two witnesses considered key to the conviction of Milagro Sala in the case known as “de los huevazos” were charged with false testimony, at the request of the prosecutor of the Federal Court of Cassation, Javier de Luca. They…

Global neglect of indigenous peoples

Only 22 countries have ratified ILO Convention 169 ILO Convention 169, an international instrument that guarantees indigenous rights and emphasises the labour rights of indigenous and tribal peoples and their right to land and territory, health and education. By Víctor…

(International Campaign) Pegasus Espionage: End the global trade in spyware

An Indian-led initiative is trying to ensure that the scandal surrounding the large-scale use of NSO Group’s Pegasus cyber-weapon does not simply die down (as previous scandals have). We reproduce this call to organise and continue campaigning around some basic…

Primaries in Argentina: “For a Humanist Cordoba”, Fernando Schüle, pre-candidate for deputy for the Humanist Party

What does it mean to vote for the Humanist Party in the primary elections on September 12th? I think that voting for the Humanist Party means voting for a Humanist Cordoba. It means realising that the politicians who have been…

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