
Pressenza New York

News from the Pressenza Bureau in New York, United States

Kings Bay Plowshares 7 RFRA Motions Hearing Continued

The Kings Bay Plowshares 7 Catholic anti-nuclear weapons activists and around 35 supporters spent nearly 9 1/2 hours in court yesterday (Nov. 8th, 2018) in Brunswick, GA. This was the first day of a motions hearing to argue through the…

Face 2 Face with Harpreet Toor

On this show we speak with Harpreet Toor, a leader in the Sikh community in New York City, who tells us how his face ended up on MTA buses and subway platforms. He also describes his involvement in the production…

The importance of Alternative Media

By John Scales Avery The superficiality of today’s television Social critic Neil Postman contrasted the futures predicted in Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World in the foreword of his 1985 book “Amusing Ourselves to Death”. He wrote: “What Orwell feared…

November Elections: Hope My Ominous Predictions are Wrong!

By Partha Banerjee Next week, America will decide whether or not this country will go down on a permanent path to fascism, violence, and white supremacy. Just before Donald Trump became the president in November 2016, I had written in…

Reading for Halloween: Conversation with the Authors of First Came Fear, New Tales of Horror

By Jhon Sánchez It’s Halloween, so it’s time to read some horror. On my night table rests the anthology First Came Fear, New Tales of Horror, edited by Casey Ellis and published by New Lit Salon Press. I decided to…

On the killings in Pittsburgh

By Peter Geffen I know I speak for all of you when I express our profound sorrow for the unspeakable violence that invaded the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh this Shabbat morning. Two of our alumni, Noah Schoen and…

Face 2 Face with Nilko Andreas

On this show we speak with Nilko Andreas about his classical music orchestra made up of 80 musicians from Latin America between the age 8 to 15 years old. The orchestra recently performed in New York and Washington DC. For…

Face 2 Face with Abdeen Jabara

On this show we speak with Abdeen Jabara concerning the Palestinians’ struggle against the violence imposed by the Israeli government and, more specifically, we discuss life in the occupied territories and ongoing efforts towards Palestinian independence. 

Fascism IS Here in USA

By Partha Banerjee A quick analysis that very few will pay attention to. Honestly, the entire anti-Kavanaugh protests by feminists — without ever undermining their just anger (I believe Christine Blasey Ford is a brave role model for all women…

Fossil Banks, No Thanks! 120 civil society groups call on banks to end fossil fuel finance

A new international campaign calls on large commercial banks to immediately end their support for all new fossil fuel projects, and to publish robust phase-out plans for their existing fossil fuel clients, at the latest before the 25th UN Climate…

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