
Pressenza New York

News from the Pressenza Bureau in New York, United States

Panel Discussion LIVE 07/02: What Will It Take for Black Lives to Really Matter?

Thursday, July 2nd 5 PM: Online Panel Discussion Broadcasted LIVE on Facebook and Youtube Watch it live here on July 2nd at 5 PM (NY time):  Everyone is recognizing the current moment as a unique opportunity for African-Americans to…

Face 2 Face with James Felton Keith

On this show we speak with James Felton Keith, candidate for US Congress in NY’s 13th district, about the situation today for African-Americans and his involvement in the recent protests, and about his activism on behalf of Universal Basic Income…

Poor People’s Campaign Action: Assembly and Moral March on Washington

On Saturday, June 20, 2020, The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival will demonstrate the power of poor people to be agents of change in not just one election, but at the very heart of this democracy. …

Campaign to Award Nobel Peace Prize to Cuban Doctors

The US campaign to award the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize to the Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade will be launched this June 16th, 2020. The campaign has been endorsed by prominent intellectuals, artists, politicians and ordinary citizens from around the…

Face 2 Face with Dr. Natasha Gordon-Chipembere

On this show we speak with Dr. Natasha Gordon-Chipembere about the structural discrimination embedded in US society, an issue which has resurfaced with the killing of George Floyd by the police. “Black, brown and indigenous people are basically saying that we…

Great-Granddaughters of the Plaza de Mayo

Comprehensive Sex Education as Social Transformation Zoe Sullivan Most news right now focuses on the coronavirus pandemic. Rightly so. But, as the Wisconsin spring election demonstrates, other important things continue to happen. So, if you’re open to some non-COVID19 reading,…

2020 US Peace Prize Nominees

The US Peace Memorial Foundation directs a nationwide effort to honor Americans who stand for peace by publishing the US Peace Registry, awarding the annual US Peace Prize, and planning for the US Peace Memorial in Washington, DC. These projects…

CASBAH OF ALGIERS is in Ruins: Bad Policies Applied to this Ancient City

Casbah of Algiers, commonly known as the Casbah (the citadel), one of the old cities of Algiers, capital of Algeria, of which it forms a historic district listed as World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO since 1992 in Santa Fe,…

Declare a State of Moral Emergency

By Peter Geffen Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd, but I am responsible. Sixty years ago Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel pointed to the reality of our moral situation then. His words ring truer today than ever: “In a free society, some…

What Should I Do?

Here in America, Black people are being asked by their White (or White passing) friends “What should I do?” to end racism. This question occurs, for many of us Black folks, especially, those of us who can trace our roots…

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