
Pressenza New York

News from the Pressenza Bureau in New York, United States

Pax Christi: Statement on the First Anniversary of the War in Ukraine

“Let us look at all those civilians whose killing was considered ‘collateral damage.’ Let us ask the victims themselves. Let us think of the refugees and displaced… the mothers who lost their children, and the boys and girls maimed or…

Talk by Chris Hedges at Rage Against The War Machine rally in Washington, D.C

Idolatry is the primal sin from which all other sins derive. Idols tempt us to become God. They  demand the sacrifice of others in the mad quest for wealth, fame or power. But the idol always ends by requiring self-sacrifice,…

Gun Violence in the United States: Truth and Facts

Gun violence is a chronic disease in the United States. With its interplay with gun culture, individual rights, interest groups and partisan politics, it has long plagued American society and gravely violated people’s right to life, leaving an indelible stain…

U.S. Peace Council: It Is Time to Put an End to All Anti-Human Economic Sanctions!

Once again, the U.S. imperialism is showing its true face through its selective response to the disastrous earthquake that has taken the lives of tens of thousands of people and destroyed whole cities in Syria and Turkey. While countries like…

Despite its many shortcomings, Bangladesh sets an excellent humanitarian example by providing aid to Turkey-Syria

The death toll in Turkey’s worst earthquake in recorded history has exceeded 24,500. And in neighboring Syria, more than 3,500 people died. With this, the death toll in Monday’s earthquake has increased to over 28,000. By Sufian Siddique The first…

Roger Waters full speech at the UN security council.

Roger Waters, co-founder of  Pink Floyd, addressed the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting today, Wednesday 8, 2023 in New York. (video below) Madame/Mr President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen. I feel profoundly honoured to be afforded this singular opportunity to…

Statement by the Schiller Institute on The Earthquakes in Turkey And Syria

The recent double earthquake in southern Turkey and northwestern Syria is a terrible disaster which is generating a wave of emotion and empathy from around the world. The situation will likely worsen due to forecast weather of extremely low temperatures…

Newly Obtained Documents Detail U.S. Government Officials’ Racist Views of Black Migrants

ICE officials treated deportation as sport U.S. government officials expressed racist attitudes toward Black migrants, treated their deportation as sport, and dismissed reports of abuse, internal documents obtained by advocacy and activist groups through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)…

Face 2 Face with Randy Credico

In this show, we speak with Randy Credico, host of Live on the Fly: Assange  Countdown to Freedom on WBAI radio in NYC, about Julian Assange’s present situation and the future of the campaign for freedom.

February 4: LIVE CONFERENCE — In Support of Pope Francis’s Initiative for Peace Negotiations

Leaders from around the world are standing together to stop nuclear war. Watch this special series to find out why they are in support of Pope Francis’s initiative for peace negotiations and why you must attend this very important conference,…

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