
Pressenza New York

News from the Pressenza Bureau in New York, United States

Poverty in Greece or economic miracle

A Greek immigrant writes a respond to the NYTimes New York Times published a news article “Greece, Battered a Decade Ago, Is Booming” by Liz Alderman, with additional reporting from Niki Kitsantonis (Monday, Sept. 25 / in print on Saturday, Sept. 30, Section B,…

Humor in the Headlines Over China in Latin America

“As China arrives with a splash in Honduras, the US wrings its hands” Washington Post, October 2, 2023 In a break from its hysterical coverage of the existential threat posed by Donald Trump, the Washington Post – house organ of…

An Israeli-Palestinian-Jordanian Confederation Offers The Best Solution To The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

It is time for Israel and the Palestinians to face the bittersweet truth and accept certain realities on the ground that neither side can change in any significant way short of a calamity. These inescapable realities will frame the contours…

NYC protest in front of the NY Times, against the arrest of Journalists in India

People in New York City rally in solidarity with the journalists arrested in India The government of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi unleashed dozens of raids today targeting the highly popular progressive news outlet NewsClick. Indian media outlets cited a…

URGENT RALLY TODAY: Hold NY Times Accountable for Arrest of Journalists in India

6PM at New York Times Building (40th St and 8th Ave) An urgent mobilization hold New York Times accountable for provoking a grave assault on press freedom. In its latest anti-democratic attack on journalists, the government of Indian Prime Minister…

Ukraine Peace Negotiation proposal by Professor Dr. Peter Brandt, Professor Dr. Hajo Funke, General (ret.) Harald Kujat and Professor Dr. h. c. Horst Teltschik

Legitimate self-defense and the quest for a just and lasting peace are not contradictory The following statement was released by the Schiller Institute internationally Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression on 24 February 2022, Ukraine has been…

CPDCS Statement for the U.N. International Day for the Complete Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

The establishment of the United Nations International Day for the Complete Elimination of Nuclear Weapons reflects humanity’s recognition of the continuing existential threat to human survival and civilization posed by nuclear weapons. As the Hibakusha, Japanese A- and H- Bomb…

Oct 1st: Nonviolence is Our Future at the Hudson Valley Park

A day of education, interchange, visioning, and celebration to mark the International Day of Nonviolence Sunday, Oct 1, 2023  10a – 5p The world today is faced with multiple crises that are rooted in violence (physical, economic, psychological, sexual, interpersonal,…

2023 US Peace Prize has been awarded to National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY)

The 2023 US Peace Prize has been awarded to National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) “For National Efforts to Stop U.S. Military Influence on Young People, Saving Lives Here and Abroad.” The US Peace Prize was presented on September 19, 2023, at the Peace Resource…

16th annual International Basic Income Week

Here are 3 ways you can take action for basic income this week: 1. Attend Income Movement’s Quarterly State of the Movement Meeting This Thursday 9/21 at 10am PT / 1pm ET, join us for an exciting conversation — Melody…

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