
Pressenza New York

News from the Pressenza Bureau in New York, United States

Interview with Daniel Högsta at the UN

Interview with Daniel Högsta – Network Coordinator, ICAN, on the first day of the negotiations for a nuclear arms ban treaty at the UN

Over 3,000 scientists support UN nuclear ban negotiations

Delegates from most UN member states are gathering in New York to negotiate a nuclear weapons ban, where they will also receive a letter of support that has been signed by thousands of scientists from around over 80 countries –…

Nuclear ban talks – day one…

By Ralph Hutchinson, Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance Inside, the nations of the world convened in the General Assembly Hall at the United Nations for the opening session of the conference to negotiate a legally binding ban on nuclear waeapons.…

No more Hibakusha

On Monday 27th of March, negotiations start on a treaty to ban nuclear weapons. Campaigners from the ban treaty network, ICAN, gathered on the 25th and 26th to plan their strategies and to bring everyone up to date with the…

Harrowing testimony of nuclear bomb test survivor reinforces urgency of ban campaigners

On Monday 27th of March, negotiations start on a treaty to ban nuclear weapons.  It is expected that over 100 countries will participate in the drafting process.  Campaigners from the ban treaty network, ICAN (of which Pressenza is partner organisation),…

Dutch banking and insurance group ING sells its stake in Dakota Access pipeline loan

Internationale Nederlanden Groep (ING) has reached an agreement for the sale of its loan to the Dakota Access pipeline. The sale follows a constructive dialogue between ING and representatives from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and has the full support of the…

Tom Cat does Trump’s dirty work

Danny Katch reports on the struggle of immigrant workers at Tom Cat Bakery to defend their jobs in the face of company demands to prove their legal status. WHEN PEOPLE talk about Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant base, they usually aren’t thinking…

Sami Parliament convinces Norwegian pension fund to divest from Dakota Access Pipeline

The Sami Parliament in Norway, which represents the indigenous Sami people, also known as Lapps in English, has convinced the second largest pension fund of the country, the public sector sign, to divest from companies linked to the controversial Dakota Access…

Tomas Hirsch on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with with Tomas Hirsch, founding member of the Humanist Party of Chile and was a Presidential candidate during the 2005 election for the left-wing coalition “Juntos Podemos Más” (Together we can more). Currently, he is…

Interview with Kathleen Donohoe

By Jhon Sánchez A flight attendant looked at me in the eye and said, “Jhon Sánchez? We’ve been calling you for half hour. Your flight has already departed.” Irritated she shook her head and added, “Where were you? I didn’t…

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