
Pressenza London

News published by the Pressenza Bureau in London, United Kingdom

Why the NHS must be exempted from the US/EU free trade agreement

By National Health Action. The Health and Social Care Act and the regulations for implementing it change the nature of the NHS for corporate benefit. Obligatory competitive tendering effectively means privatising. And because this is the UK – a very…

UK Uncut response to Justice Secretary’s speech at Conservative Party conference: Roadblock protests will happen this weekend

PRESS RELEASE UK Uncut response to Justice Secretary’s speech at Conservative Party conference: Roadblock protests will happen this weekend Roadblock protests will go ahead this weekend, campaign group UK Uncut have confirmed, as the Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling, reiterated plans…

Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation Is Starting All Over The World

As we warned two years ago, “the muddle through has failed… and there may only be painful ways out of this.” Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog, Link to Critical Thinking, the free University Now that “bail-ins”…

Euthanasia alive and well and feeding on UK’s austerity measures

The invitation reads “10 Thousand Cuts and Counting is a ceremony of remembrance and solidarity led by disability activists, Occupy activists, Michael Meacher MP and the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral for those who have had their lives devastated by…

US near miss 1961 atomic bomb accident revealed

‘A secret document, published in declassified form for the first time by the Guardian today, reveals that the US Air Force came dramatically close to detonating an atom bomb over North Carolina that would have been 260 times more powerful…

Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies

In “The Spirit Level,” Richard Wilkinson charts data that proves societies that are more equal are healthier, happier societies. Why you should listen to him: For decades, Richard Wilkinson has studied the social effects of income inequality and how social…

Pinheiro: “There is no military solution in Syria”

Deutsche Welle, Press Release Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, chairman of the UN Commission of Inquiry for Syria, has demanded a stop to the delivery of weapons to Syria. Most of the arms delivered will be used to commit war crimes, Pinheiro…

UK drones three times more likely than US to fire in Afghanistan

September 6, 2013 by Alice K Ross  The Bureau of Investigative Journalism Full Report British forces have carried out 299 drone strikes in Afghanistan, defence minister Andrew Robathan announced in Parliament yesterday. This is the first time the British government has announced how…

Ex-UN arms inspector: Get rid of Assad’s arsenal

Deutsche Welle, Press Release Ex-UN arms inspector: Get rid of Assad’s arsenal Former UN arms inspector Rolf Ekéus tells DW why it’s unlikely that the expected UN report on the use of chemical weapons in Syria will include a smoking…

Petition for action on Fukushima

To: Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan Toshimitsu Motegi, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Shunichi Tanaka, Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) Urgent international petition calling for immediate action on the uncontrolled radioactive discharges at Tepco’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant…

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